Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 42

We're 18 days away from approaching the two months at home mark. At that point, I'll only have roughly 3 weeks of work left. Whoa. Not that that is a bad thing.

Had today off since I have to work Saturday. It's been nice, spent the morning with Adam. Took a nap this afternoon and woke up and swallowed and had the worst pain I've ever felt in my life in my throat and ears. Oh wow, my throat still hurts when I move my head in a certain way and when I swallow. So yeah...what the heck?

Drove around in the Audi today, I don't know I think when I get a car, I want something younger, not that it isn't nice to drive...but I felt kind of old driving it haha. Plus, no aux out on the stereo...lame. Stuck listening to lame ass Ft. Wayne radio stations...blah. I've actually gotten a lot of driving in the past two days haha, I've literally been all over town. Tommorrow I do it all again as well. I dunno it's just unusual for me.

Not looking forward to the next few days, blah. I want to fast forward to Monday, please and thank you. Plus I get paid again next Friday. Hopefully this computer won't act up again, yeah it had another one of it's...Hi I'm not going to turn on for you episodes this week. Grr. I really don't want to be dropping that kind of money for yet another laptop, plus going through a laptop a semester, probably not good. Ah well I need to find something to do this weekend, gotta have something to look forward to. We'll see what I can come up with....

Ah well have to go pick up the moms soon, so that's all for me now.

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