Monday, June 01, 2009

Day 26

Today I was planning on just chilling this morning, eat lunch, then go up to the bank. Ah well I still got to the bank but just a little earlier.

My dad and I rode our bikes up to Georgetown, and we had Bandidos...nom nom. Best by far is the chips and salsa, but I miss the mint sticks you get after your meal :( lameness.

I need to get my ass in gear when it comes to reading, I'm only a little over a hundred pages into Twilight and two of my Traveling Pants books are in, annnd I'm quickly working my way through the line for New Moon and the other books, I believe I've gone from 25th to 13th since Thursday, and I'm first in line for Eclipse at the moment and 13th for Breaking Dawn. I guess I'll lay off renting the DVDs for awhile and read in my free time haha. Which I do on commercial breaks and such. Plus at lunch, and before work if I'm there early; which I usually am.

Reserved my text books today, figured I'd beat out the kids fro orientation for my core classes eh. Oh and I bought a t-shirt from threadless but...then cancelled it after decided the shirt wasn't all that great after all.

Ok well back to my episode of 7th Heaven, watching this one and then 1 more tonight then reading while I wait for Adam. Feel bad about not being able to talk to him this morning/early afternoon.

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