Thursday, June 25, 2009

Day 50

After a horrendously shitty day, I can't even count on the one thing I look forward to everyday. But apparently my favorite part of the day isn't that important, so I'll probably just head to bed at 11 instead of sitting around waiting. By 11 I'll have waited an hour and a half, and I have to be at work super early tommorrow. Plus the only thing that's on TV is stuff about Michael Jackson. Oh boy.

Started the day off feeling blah, and ending the day feeling shitty; in multiple ways. I definately feel like I need a week of hermtized days. I honestly don't feel like doing anything other than sleeping or lying in bed staring at a wall or something exciting like that.

I've officially decided that if I can't get the 8 grand that I need for school, I'm dropping out. I know I'm going to loathe anywhere else than BSU so what's the point? Plus I'd have to change my major...and I don't know what the hell I'd change it to. So fuck it. Where do I sign up for welfare? I'll join the drain on the a big FU to the financial aid people for giving me shit this year. FYI kids, if you have a 3.6 GPA and make the Deans List that still doesn't qualify you for the Academic Competiveness Grant. It's times like these that I almost wished I drank or something that makes you either numb out or pass out. Too bad I don't like puking though because I'm pretty sure if I took something that did that too me, I'd be I'll pass. Hey maybe the world will really end 2012 and I won't have to can only hope. heh.

Alright well almost 11, time is running out...just another shot to the gut/heart wherever you'd prefer to hit me.

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