Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Day 35

Oh, what a day...

It rained today so the library was esepcially busy. I had to assist numerous patrons today. And the two hours I worked Desk 2 were complete chaos. Plus after that I stayed out on the floor for the next hour to pick up a bit and make sure things didn't get too crazy again because Meg was left there to fend for herself without a computer room person to assist. Things that happened today; Some kid peed themselves in the computer room gah, a toy got thrown up on top of the playscape which I had to track a ladder and retrieve myself, I had to call security on a group of older kids who were smoking and wiping their noses on the windows. All that coupled with helping numerous people find books they were looking for and pushing the Summer Reading Program on yet more people has worn me out.

Oh and did I mention that the weather is making my body currently hate me? Yeah, ask me what joint doesn't hurt at the moment...knees, fingers, wrists, shoulders.

I also found out today that it's a good thing I got hurt at school or I would've been screwed if I had really seriously gotten hurt/sick in the future. Stupid insurance company. Not that my shoulders have fully recovered....they still ache when I stretch too far or sometimes while I'm just sitting....things take time to heal when they get used all the time heh.

I think that I'm going to collapse into hopefully a nice deep sleep....I need it. As much as I want to talk to Adam...I hope he understands. I really have been longing to see him though, and I truely can't wait for this work week to be over so I can see him. Knowing that...really helps pull me through the week.

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