Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I'm Thirsty

I feel like...drinking a big glass of ice water right now. But I'm holding myself back because I ate a big meal and I know that drinking all that water will just make my stomach hurt and I'd rather be thirsty eh. Any who...not much has been going on lately...just the usual.

Facebook is amazing, because I keep meeting new kidz who actually live in the Fort who are going to BSU next, I met Marc who is also going to be a T-com major going into production/editing as well. He seems nice and we may even hangout at school we'll see. Right now I just keep having nightmares about my first day not being able to find all my morning classes or getting to them late since I don't really have much time between the first three...yikes. After those classes I'm not really too worried because I should have plenty of time....especially on Tuesdays & Thursdays....Tuesday I don't have class until 2 haha.....and Thursday I have Spanish at 10 but then Psych at 2 It's mainly Monday August 25th I'm dreading haha. I know I won't be getting much sleep the night before...I'll be a ball of nerves. That's pretty much the scariest part of college for me...that intial start of classes. Of course I had that fear going into high school to, hence the first day of freshmen year...freaking out when I couldn't get my locker open and then yet again freaking out when I was scared I'd get in trouble for being late for lunch. And think....I basically started high school twice in my life. Yeah, I think I can handle this...maybe I'll try to scope out where my classes are ahead of time..just so I won't get completely lost.

I still need to find XL Twin Sheets dammit. lol. Grr. Yeah I need to some serious shopping...which I'm actually kind of looking forward to, unfortunately some of it has to wait until I get my roommate assignment...aside from clothes...yeah I have so many right now I can't fit them all in my drawers and I want more....ahh typical girl habit I suppose...hey it's not like I'm going to take ALL of them with me. But another couple of pairs of jeans won't kill me.

NFG is recording right now...they started Vocals today...I'm excited. I want pictures and miss the web cam thingy from Catalyst days..and the video updates and wow just all of it...I feel really disconnected this time around. But I'm still psyched, of course...I'm pretty much psyched about everything these days.

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