Monday, June 02, 2008


Just more frustrating moments today. Pick up the phone people....don't go saying that I'm a loser for not having a cell and come up with some lame ass excuse for not calling me so I don't drive places and then just have to turn around....POINTLESS. Seriously not even friends this time....I'm talking family yeah...

Not to mention I think my sinuses just may explode. I have the worst sinus headache right now. Damn Cottenwood. It seems that as I get older I've developed more allegeries or the allergens are just effecting me more now. Cottonwood never used to bother me....I never used to get these damn sinus headaches because of it. Then in the fall I can now look forward to my case of Bronchitis caused by who knows what.

On a plus note, two songs have pretty much ruled my day : You by Atmosphere and I Will Possess Your Heart by Death Cab for Cutie. Check em' out of course check out Atmosphere's new album When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint that Shit Gold, and Death Cab's new album Narrow Stairs....both are definately in heavy rotation right now.

By the way I parked horribly when I just came home and I'm too lazy to go attempt to park it deal with it....I'm really not in the mood, especially knowing I have to mow when the parents get home. Because you know my Dad is allergic to Cottonwood too.....but I'm the lucky one who gets to mow through the snowbanks of the shit in the backyard. I need a major attitude improvement by Wednesday...and by this weekend....atleast I'm self-aware right? ha.

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