Wednesday, June 11, 2008

That's What She Said...

Orentation. Amazingly better than I thought it was going to be. Of course I had the best group ever. Seriously we were crazy awesome. I can't wait to start college now. We had Katie as our leader and she alone is amazingly fun and awesome. Seriously...I did the math, 69 days until I move in. Super Stoked. Even though I have summer reading....and have a lot of stuff to do before then....I have a feeling it's going to creep up on me faster than I expect it to.

But for now, I focus on tommorrow, I'm thinking that either tomorrow or Friday I'm going to ride my bike up to the library to get some more books/dvds and what not. I will have the car but...I'm saving money on a little exercise wouldn't kill me, and all drag the brother with me...since all he did today was sit online playing some game called City of Heroes.

Then....Saturday is my grad party....yeah, I think I'm going to spend a little bit of the money on a whiteboard with the calender thingy on it...and a waterbottle which I was going to buy anyways for my bikerides. But other than that, and well there's a couple of cool necklaces I want to buy online (which with shipping are like $14) I'm most likely going to save my cash for college. Oh and probably a cool watch...since I think my fossil is just jacked up for never did work right...too bad it cost like 80 bucks.

Laptops are being discussed...probably definately won't be getting a mac..booo...but probably a Dell Inspiron. Which just means when editing, I'll have to go the suites but I probably won't be doing too much of that during my first semester anyways. I only have 1 t-com class ah. But I'm planning on joining a t-com organization to get in with those people. Which they throw a party to help get people involved with that.

Alright well I'm going to go watch the Top Chef Season Finale!! GO STEPHANIE!!!!!

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