Thursday, June 19, 2008

Bicycle Racers Are Coming Your Way....

So it turns out my copy of Start the Machine was completely legit and actually an amazing copy. I watched it last night because well....I couldn't wait. Don't start watching this thinking it's going to be another Urethra Chronicles....that's all I'm going to say. Seriously though...putting the subject matter aside, I really found some of the filming techniques pretty all the CGI work was well done too. I'm probably going to hold onto it....especially since I'll definately be picking up an external hard drive soon, that way I can free up some hard drive space for more...MUSIC.

Which brings me to the new Girl Talk album. Seriously....get it! If all flows together so well, and I like it wayyy better than Night Ripper. Right now my stupid itunes won't see it....I don't know why they're mp3's. So I haven't had any luck putting it on my ipod yet but when I have more time I'll screw around with it some more.

I just got back from a nice bike ride....well bike ride numero 2 today. This morning/early afternoon the brother and I went up to Georgetown and went to the library. Then we had a coupon for Subway, buy one 6 inch get one free with the purchase of a medium drink. Well...we ended up getting a 6 inch and a free drink...haha. So we spent a grand total of $5.05 for two sandwhiches and two drinks...not bad for lunch for two people. Then we went to Scotts to buy cookies because we didn't feel like getting back in the extremely long line at Subway to get some....and I got me some English Muffins for 33 cents! Oh yeah I find all the deals. Anyways after we got home and I chilled for bit I was bored so I went back out and rode around the neighborhood for like an hour....even rode to Kreager...didn't really feel like attempting the river green way by myself. It's just not something a girl by herself should do...incase of you know...creepy people hiding in the woods. Plus I'm sitting here now all sweaty and my chest hurts and feels kinda Bronchitis tight..GAH! NO! It's too early in the year for this!?!

I'm sure it's nothing though, probably just me overreacting. But the ride was fun, I had my headphones on and just rode....If I didn't live in Fort Rain as Senor says, I'd do it every day. But since the bikes are a pain the ass to get out....because our Garage door is even more jacked up than it was, I only do it when I remember to ask my dad to get the bikes out. Since my finger is still in pretty bad shape after my last attempt to get them out myself. But it's not supposed to rain tonight so maybe he'll let us leave them out over night and I can go riding again tommorrow.....anyone care to join me? You know gotta keep the metabolism kick started because big eating days this weekend...Rib Fest Saturday and then Mom's B-day Party Sunday...can we say home cooked meal....seriously love my Grandma's cooking. I just generally eat too much when I go to her house. Alright enough procrastination....I'm going to go wash dishes or something else boring...heh.

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