Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's Almost July....already.

So the past few days have been well.....I don't know how to describe them. Friday night my mom informed me that on July 10th, I'll be having my Senior pictures taken, yes I did just GRADUATE. I questioned her on this saying.....aren't you supposed to get those taken you know before you graduate? haha. So...I have to figure out what I'm going to wear for them. Oh jou right?

Then Saturday my Dad is determined to buy my mom new wow wow....took forever. I did buy myself some new jeans...skinny ones. Yeah....I tried them on and was all whoa these fit me amazingly and remind me of the pair of jeans I had for three years until the back pocket ripped out...haha I won't stick my hands in the back pockets of these ones all the time, I promise! Plus they were on sale...I'm thinking about going back to Kohls and buying another pair...yeah. We'll see though. We ended up at the Mall too....found my XL Twin sheets, in what I have dubbed "hospital blue" yeah, not crazy about the cover but here's my thinking, I use the XL fitted sheet and since I have these nice chocolate brown sheets, I use that one as the top sheet, and then use one blue and one brown pillow case for pillows and target had a comforter that would pull it all together....yeah....interior decorating skillz. lmao. Anyways, after going all over the mall....we got home 10ish and didn't eat until 11ish yeah....nuts. Oh and that wedding deal earlier Saturday was pretty crazy as well....most disorganized one I've ever been to in my life.

So today after we get the grocery shopping done, and I have some free time in the afternoon I'm surfing the web and come across this show, Back on Campus...where basically these college kids' parents move in with them for a semester and go to class, parties, spring break ect. Oh wow...haha, kinda makes me nervous but I have a feeling I won't be hitting up too many keggers unlike these people. Still nervous about getting lost and making it to my classes on time. I'm a person who likes to be on time everywhere....or even early. Being late bugs me to no end.

But aside from all of this, I feel like I should be doing something...but I'm not quite sure what. My room is clean, I'm holding off on the whole sorting through clothes thing until like a week before I leave, I haven't been able to write anything remotely decent in forever, the most creative thing I've done lately is colored in a coloring book...yes I know lame. I'm going to ride up to the library tommorrow to get some more books....I should read my freshman connections book and answer the questions but it just doesn't look very....interesting to me right now. Plus who wants to do homework in the end of June? By the way, I was at Walmart today....they're already putting school supplies out. Gah, it seems like they start doing that earlier and earlier every year.

Eck, my stomach kinda hurts so I'm going to go see what's on TV or something....gimme something to do?!?!

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