Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursdays...not so amazing anymore.

It's storming like crazy South of here right now, they've pretty much been getting pounded all afternoon. I can literally look out my window right now and see the pitch black's just cloudy. I maybe rained a tiny bit for 10 minutes if didn't rain enough for me to actually witness it happening, but the bikes are wet. Heh. We've lucked out all day weather wise so far, it's all gone North or South of us. For once...I want it to I can go out and just....get soaked. Maybe that will wake me up.

This may have been the first day of Summer Vacation where I've been truely bored almost all day. I've literally just laid around all day...or I've been on the computer. Then tonight...I won't want to sleep, but I'll try just because my other options are watching tv or being on the computer which I've done all day. Dammit, next week is not going to be like this....I'm going to call up Miranda and see if I can go over to her house to let her borrow those cds she needs. Heck, I may even ride my bike over, weather permitting of course.

But for now, I wait for my parents to get mom gets off at 5:30 they should be home by six but that RARELY happens, usually it's atleast 7 by the time they get home. Why they feel the need to go to the store EVERY blessed night is beyond me. Pogo here I come....almost to 2 million tokens. Heh.

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