Friday, February 01, 2008

Snow Day

We got 7ish inches of snow last night plus freezing rain so no school today, supposed to get another 2-4 inches by tonight. I'm not complaining though, I got to sleep in today and now I feel atleast semi-alive for once. The past few days I've been exhausted, tired all day at school, even slept in 4th period yesterday for a good 45 mins, then I've been coming home from school and sleeping for a good 2-3 hours. Then even going to bed early too. Hopefully it's just me needing more sleep or fighting off a cold and nothing more than that.

I'm about to start planning a trip to the Amazon...haha not for real, it's for a class project. I figure I'll try and get most of this done this weekend so I won't have to mess with it during the week. Plus I need some color printouts and such. Plus I need to review for my Spanish test on Monday too...but other than that I don't have anything going on this weekend....unless...sledding anyone? ha, had to ask.

I don't really have anything super-interesting to talk about today so I'm going to get started on this project.

1 comment:

Alexis said...


They told us 5-7 inches for our area, 6-9 in Terre Haute. You know what we got? DUST. I swear, there's like .3 inches out there. And they got like, a measley inch in Terre Haute. They had a guy out in the snow and everything like it was some kind of hurricane, measuring the pathetic inch of snow...

We got a snow day somehow, but still. I want some serious snow for once. :[