Monday, February 04, 2008

Fight With Your Barehands About It Now.....

Observation of the day: Shooting pain down your arm while trying to concentrate and take tests all day is not fun.

Two hour delay today...probably have another one again tommorrow for fog. It's already thick. Which is good for me, I can attempt to get more sleep. Several people told me today I looked tired....well waking up constantly at night isn't helping. That and I stayed up to watch House last night after the Super Bowl.

Since I have nothing to watch tonight until No Reservations, I'm going to work hardcore on this marketing project. Try to actually get it done aside from printing stuff off and put it on my posterboard. Here's my declartation, I will not blog again until I finish this project. That includes sticking everything on the posterboard. So if you don't see another blog from me until Friday you'll know it's because I'm a horrible procrastinator and I have put off doing this project...grr. Gotta set goals for yourself though right?

I need new music. Give me Suggestions pleaseeee! I'm open to pretty much everything, drop me links to listen online. Now...enough procrastinating...I'm off to work.

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