Friday, February 22, 2008


So, I got home today to find a letter in the mail from my school saying I've been excessively absent. That's bull shit. I missed 4 days in October and 3 in February. How are 7 absesnces excessive? They're threatening me by saying if I miss any more days they're going to file an afidavid or whatever it's called against me and take me to court and try to get me thrown into Wood. Ok first off, they were all excused absences. Plus It always has been 6 days each Term. So I should be OK for both terms thus far. God forbid I get sick and I have a fever and can't come to school. They don't want me there with the fever infecting everyone else do they? I can see their point if they were all unexcused absences but I've never in my life been truant. Plus I know a lot of people who've been absent way more than me....Kyle said the other day he was off over a week for having his apendix removed and he was off a few days this term for being sick too...this is bull. If you're legitimly ill they shouldn't punish you for that. We're making up the work...and we have good attendance aside from that. We don't miss every Monday or Friday like some kids do. Worry about them, take them to court. Let me go to school in peace.

Now because of this dumb ass letter I bet my parents won't let me participate in Senior Skip day because I can't afford any more absences. Psh I'll just make sure I grab some college brochures and use it as a college visit day I guess. That way I won't be marked truant, and have to serve an ISS or Tuesday/Thursday school. Man, my school pisses me off.

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