Thursday, February 28, 2008

Don't Take Anything For Granted, Stand Outside In the Rain, An Excuse You Know I Planned it.

I failed to mention yesterday that I broke the news to Erin that due to the school's lovely letter I couldn't participate in Senior Skip Day and won't be going to Cedar Point this summer. So this morning I got yelled at because apparently we've been planning this for years. Which I guess in a way we have. But atleast we got to go last year. Which was fun. But this year I can't just drop a 100 bucks on a trip. I have more important things to spend my money on this year. I need stuff for my dorm. Stuff to help aid my education. I'm planning on hopefully having a job by then. So I actually may be working and I'm going to need to get all the hours I can.

Just because furthering her education isn't a huge priority in her life, doesn't mean that it's not one of mine. Sometimes she fails to see the big picture. Fails to see more important things than going to Cedar Point. Besides, what have I been planning to do for years but have never done? Go to Warped Tour. That would've capped off a perfect summer last year, but thanks to her it didn't happen. I had the But no that dream was killed. Like mentioned before, we did get to go on our own to Cedar Point last year and it was amazing.

Sometimes, it's just not worth it if it can possibly mean a court date. Not when there's only a little over 3 months left of high school. It's not my problem that she doesn't want to participate in the upcoming Senior events that school actually condones. We won't be the friends who went to prom together, or to the senior picnic. I plan on going to those things with other friends. I'm not going to regret next year that I didn't go to the prom during high school....I'm sorry if this sounds lame but I think it's just one of the high school experiences you should have and I think that she may regret not going. But whatever, not my problem, I'm going to make the most of the rest of my Senior year.

Besdies rumor has it that Senior Skip Day is next Friday? What the hell am I going to do in March in this town? It'll still be cold, nothing is open, and it'll probably snow. Ah I'll pass. In other good news. I got an A- on my Spanish test! A vast improvement from the D I got on the last one. I was disappointed that we didn't cookies but atleast I got a good grade. I realized studying...really does help haha. Ah well speaking of Spanish I should probably do my homework.

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