Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Drops Of Rain Fall All Over...

I feel disconnected. From myself. From everything. All I feel is tired and weak. I've been struggling with fatigue for quite some time now. It worries me. I come home from school, fall asleep around4 and don't wake up till almost 7 everyday. Then I go to bed 4 hours later at 11. This weekend, I slept in until atleast 11 everyday and yet again napped from 4-7. It worries me that I still feel so tired and weak after all of this sleep. I'm eating regularly and certainly sleeping, so what's the problem? I just get so weak, that I have to lay down....seriously right now I'm thinking wow....lets end this blog and go lay down in bed and watch TV it'll feel better.

I still have a cough leftover from being sick, and it's painful at times. Not as much as the last time I had bronchitis in October/November, but it still hurts/burns to breathe at times. I get this pain that shoots from my ribs down my legs. Maybe it's all in my head, I don't know....I just know I don't like it and want it to go away. I want to feel alive again. I want to have energy to do things. I don't want to think about the worst...but it keeps crossing my mind...I keep running scenarios through my head of how I'd break the news. Just the very thought scares me. I don't even know why I think like this. A normal 17 year old girl shouldn't be thinking like this. But obviously I've never been normal...but I wouldn't mind taking normal for a spin for once. Teach me how to be/feel me from this aching.

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