Thursday, February 21, 2008

Work It.

So I'm making an effort. An effort to be a healthier person. I'm thinking more about what kinds of foods I eat and my level of physical activity. So I've been TRYING to lay off the sweets. I know going cold turkey is hard..haha. So, far today I've resisted the freshly baked Otis Spunkmeyer cookies...that I was tortured with 1st period. I didn't get chips when we went and played pool like everyone else did. I also avoided the bosco sticks at lunch. Although my salad did have ranch on it...err I'm not giving that up...sorry. And then I caved when I got home and had 3 chocolate hearts. Dammit. But they were good. Now I just have to avoid the remaining choco tacos, the cheesecake, the ding dongs, the chips ahoy! cookies, and whatever else is lurking around here. Home is is easy because their food sucks.

I kinda sorta jogged today for 15 minutes. Lol. Well I figure I'm pretty out of shape so I'm going to work my way up. And do crunches and what not. I did notice though that I was able to go that amount of time non stop where as previously this year I wasn't able to go five minutes without feeling like I was dying. I probably could've gone longer but I didn't know when the parents would be home. And I think it'd be awkward if my parents saw me working out aside from DDR. I'm planning on jogging around the neighborhood once this weather warms up and it's not snowing every other day. So yeah that's the plan Stan. Now I just have to stick to it. Like they say on TV, it's not a's a lifestyle change. I figure I need to establish some kind of healthy routine before going into college so I don't put on the freshmen 15+ haha. I think I've already put on the Senior 5-10...ehh. Not that I'm obviously heavier but I can tell....I see me naked. I know. But I think this will help me feel better about myself, plus I already feel more energized. Josh just told me to read his new note on Facebook so tis all for me know kidz!

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