Tuesday, February 26, 2008

February Just Needs to End.

No school again today due to snow. Good thing I stocked up on DVDs at the Library Sunday. I've spent the day watching ER and The O.C. haha. I suppose that's better than spending endless hours on the computer.

So I have plans for my birthday already. Let's just say a new tradition is starting in regards to my birthday and this will make it the 2nd consecutive year this takes place. It's a good thing my birthday is over Spring Break :) . I'm actually pretty lame and think I'm going to post a facebook event and just see if anyone else wants to join us. The more the merrier. More details coming soon. I figure spend my money something else I enjoy since Cedar Point has been axed for me. I'm glad we went last June and we got to ride the Maverick :) This year's road trip will be ...well in state, and on my birthday :). Haha wow I'm using wayyy too many smiley faces. Plus there will be countless road trips down to Muncie and back this year as well.

This weekend is booked. Eh. Nobody wants to do anything on Saturday but on Sunday I'm supposed to go shopping for Prom dresses with my mom and aunt. Then Josh IM'd me Sunday I think and wants me to go bowling but I can't because....we're having a birthday party for my Grandpa that day after shopping. Maybe he'll want to come on our little expedition over Spring Break...I'll buy or make cupcakes and we'll have a joint birthday celebration...30 days late for him lol. Erin can bring Zak? But then it'd be a double date and that's definately not my intention with Josh...just wanna hangout, since we haven't since god...last May? ha yeah we're pathetic. We live 15 minutes away from eachother. I love this part of growing up though. Becoming independent and doing things with minimal parental supervision. It gives me a sense of empowerment and freedom. I love it.

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