Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Atleast It's not another March Birthday.

Only because he's the drummer and get's forgotten a lot of the times. And I usually only mention Jordan's birthday...yeah that's my inner teeny-bopper sue me.

March Birthdays, shall I make a list just because I'm bored. I'll try to get them in chronilogical order.
March 1st- Josh
March 2nd-Grandpa
March 3rd- Kyle (was also my Grandma's birthday)
March 4th(I think)- Luke
March 6th(I think)-Derek
March 8th-Andy
March 9th-Chad (not related and don't know in person but whatever lol)
March 12th or 21st not sure which-Michelle
March 29th- one of the many cousins & Tristan
March 31st- ME! & Ana
So yeah. Go us March Babies I guess. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. Tomorrow I play Laser Tag in P.E. I won't lie, I suck but I'm pretty excited about it. Worst part of the day will be 4th period. Pre-Calc quiz that I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail. My math teacher picked a fine time to adopt a Guatemalean kid and be gone for a week...ah. I hate imaginary numbers....and dividing polynomials. Not hard but I always seem to screw some aspect of it up. I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed.

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