Saturday, September 30, 2006


Thursday, September 28, 2006

It's a Shame...

NFG only sold 31,251 copies of their album the first week. They sold 150,000 + with Catalyst the first week and 90,000+ the first week with Sticks and Stones...gah. That's just wrong. If it wasn't for NFG more than half the bands that are around today wouldn't be doing as well as they are. It sucks it really does. I haven't let any of my friends borrow it..telling them to go buy it. But...I don't think any of them have bought it though. I guess there hasn't been any radio or excessive MTV playage this time around. Ah well they still have loyal freakin' fans.

Plus there's a rumor going around about them doing a Spring Tour with Taking Back Sunday. But sadly I only see people going to see it'd be a co-headlining tour...gah....but people also speculate that Eisley would open. Don't get me wrong if it came to Indy...I'd so be there.

I did notice the lack of copies at Best Buy when I went to get it last Tuesday....of course when I went to get Louder Now, Best Buy was out because they didn't stock enough of them. They only order like 50 copies or something and they sold out before afternoon hit. That was real smart of them. Now the new Dashboard CD that came out in uh..June I think? They had bazillions of copies of that and like everybody in the store was buy it. Why? becaue Dashboard played the Fort in April and people started listening to them again so they could learn the words for the we get new fans....NFG play the Fort! Pleeeeaaaasseee Oh...we'd sell out...I'd buy as many tickets as I could and drag friends along with me...and we'd get there super early right after school to wait in line..if we had school that day...that is. And I'd be seeing NFG with my friends and that would kick so much ass. Definately would get the floor and take someone who's taller with me haha.....Floor isn't too great for short/small people like me. I need to grow like a foot..that'd be perfect. Of course I'd want to get as close as possible so if we were on the barrier..kick ass. Since crowd surfing is band at the is moshing...ahaha Chad would take care of that.

I'm rambling...time to end the entry!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Frames and tables oh my! head hurts excuse me while I insert a totally random quote that I always think of when my head hurts; " head hurts *weird laugh*" So now that I got that out of my system I can continue.

School is a drag. Web Design can be so bland and boring. I get tired of sitting in silence except for the clicking of keyboards. I'm really tempted to ask Mr. Todor if we can listen to music. He'll probably say no though. I'd work so much better if I could listen to music in that class. He's giving us our projects tommorrow. Gah I'm two assignments's his fault...he gave us like 10 of them today. Ah I'm almost done with the Greyhound one..but I haven't started the athletics page yet. But we get to make a music website....yessss...

Oohh Drama presentations....BORING!

I saved a toad today. Yep, it was pretty awesome. It jumped out right infront of my feet when I was mowing the back yard today. So I stopped the mower and gently poked it with a tiny little stick until it hopped into the neighbor's yard. That was one of my good deeds today ^_^

Oh and the hearing test guy's service worker officially rules...haha I was his 1st period last year and now Erin is his 4th period this year. Yep...we're cool like that.

I've started to solve some of the Dramarama from yesterday so that's good news. I'm not so stressed about it...well I wasn't really stressed just more worried than anything. I'm still kinda worried. Hopefully things will be ok.

I need a costume idea for costume day at school next week. Last year I was an m&m...something monoply themed would be cool...I might just do nudist on strike if I can't think of anything haha. Simple costume...paper and a safety pin...but very clever if you think about it.

Ah well I feel like a twix....too bad we don't have any.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Drama Rama

And it's not just the class...yes I am working on that project right now. And I'm taking a break from that. I was going to look up furniture prices..or lumber prices or something for my set. But I have a lot on my mind right now.

I have about 4 people I need to talk to asap...cuz some serious shit is going down. I know for sure that I'll be able to talk to two of them tommorrow at school...and one of them is a teacher and it's really just a question about the history project so that's no biggie the other three are going to be brutal....2 guys and one girl. But...I know it has to be done....something has to be done and Im going to try and help the situation the best I can. I guess it's time for me to step in and be mediator. But hey, I'll do it if I have to. Just wish there wasn't so much pyshical in mileage between the main two people I'm mediating for...that's gonna make it super tough. Ah well I'm going to try my best. Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I Don't Want a Job.....

But yet I should probably start looking for one. Mainly because I can get my liscense within uh 2 weeks!!! AH yes! But that doesn't mean I'm going to be getting it then so don't have a cow. I need the cashola to pay for insurance, gas, and possibly to help fix a car for me to driveizzzle....

I remember in like 6th or 7th grade I had like 1 cd..yeah P.O.D. was my first cd I think...well actual band cd, I got a compliation disc first I guess. But then....yes then I got Sticks n' Stones...god I listened to that thing all day every day. Probably atleast 10 times a day. I remember when I was playing it at night while I feel asleep and how at the end of The Story So Far there's dead silence for like 30 some minutes after the song ends then there' screaming and the guys start going "There's somone in your house" I wake up all freaked out by it..haha I told Erin and Miranda about that...I'll never be able to live that one down. Getting a cd back in the day was a big deal. Is it parental advisory...blah blah...psh my parents could care less now. I have more music now than I can fit on my mp3 player. Yeah I'd definately start and ipod fund if I got a job. I'd have 4 repair fund, buy my own car fund, ipod fund, and college fund....yep and maybe even some spending mooolahh to have some fun with you know? haha but on minium wage..yeah right.

Went and saw Jackass 2 yesterday with Erin and Kieara...ah so funny. Had to buy a ticket to Bruce Lee though....since uh...I can't buy tickets for R movies yet though haha. And you have to be 21 to buy mulitiple R movie tickets...blah..oh well. Only 6 months until I'm 17. Yep..I'll be 16 and a half on the 31st of September. :-)

Ah well I think I'm going to go do something else.....cuz I'm pretty bored sitting here. Might check out the park at noon to see if Dan is really playing football over there. haha.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

You have my heart in your hands....You have my heart don't let it go

So I'm sorry I haven't gotten around to posting those tracks yet. I just got the last of the five today. Hopefully this weekend I'll get them up. Going out tommorrow for awhile.

ER starts tonight...the season finale last season really left you hanging. So I'm excited about seeing what happens there.

I recieved a lot of compliments today on my hair of all things. People said I looked older and that my hair was nice and such. I was like Whoa O.0 what are you talking about? My hair? It sucks. Me looking older? You've got to be kidding me. Plus I noticed more people paying attention to me today...hmm....I saw a certain guy today...that was pretty nifty. Haven't seen him all year..well since last school year anyways.

So....mes thinks I need to hangout with some certain people pretty dang soon because I miss them lots and lots. I'm hanging out with Erin for a bit after school tommorrow then coming home to freakin' sleep man..I gotta catch up on my sleep sometime ya know? But yeah I missssssss you guys like CRAZY!

Homecoming theme was announced today, well I found out what it is anyways, it's board games...ugh ugh, first thing I said was wow...that was our theme at Concordia when I was a freshmen there. So yeah...ugh ugh ugh. We do have pj hat day though?! Oh there's costume day that should be pretty fun. For pj day wow I'll probably just wear some shorts and a hoodie..haha. I don't know. Depends on how cold it is.

Oh and the title of this entry...mmm well warm fuzzies or cold pricklies? haha that didn't make any sense but I'm gonna pick warm fuzzies. So I have nothing else to say kids...

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I fail at life....

So Sorry but no bonus tracks today because I'm tracking down one more....itunes USA bonus track...that way I can give you 5 bonus tracks. Yes 5. So hold onto your shorts kids....I'll get those up there tommorrow. If I find them tonight I might yousend them tonight and get on here while I'm bored at school and get em' up. We'll see what Mr. Todor has me doing tommorrow....more administrative work? hmm...blah.
Let's Slit Our Wrists and Burn Down Something Beautiful....

I'm so fed up with going to school it's not even funny. I'm just tired of the way the whole deal is set up and run. It's a joke, it really is.

Today was the biggest waste of time of my life. Isteps started today. I did absolutely nothing. I didn't take a test...I sat there in first period and x'd off names on a list....teacher's or administrative work. In 2nd period which is Spanish we watched a video about sharks...and that's it. That didn't even take up the whole period. Third period we just sat there. We just took notes 4th period and that's it.

You want to know the joke though? The students. The students have no respect for anyone or anything. Some do, most don't. They think they freakin' own the place so they stand in the middle of the main hallway today while people are trying to get to their busses or whatever. So I push my way through so I can get a ride home. Then some guy elbows me in the stomach. I was so pissed. I just wanted to yell at him if you weren't fucking standing in the middle of the hallway I wouldn't have to push my way through. Then we get on the bus and all they have going arcoss the radio is how they have 70+ students on a bus and they keep having to pull over to yell at the kids.

There's something seriously wrong here and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of being talked down to by people. Tired of people making assumptions about me. I'm tired of going to school where I'm at. I don't know where I could transfer to though. I seriously would love to. Most of the people there piss me off so much...

You know what I'm doing though? I'm covering up the hurt with anger because I'm only giving you half the story about why I'm so pissed. I choose not to get into the other part. Just because yeah...what the other people did was really wrong of them to do.

I felt like yelling or crying or I don't know..several times today. People suck. Well most people suck. I don't want to go back. Honestly I don't know how much longer I can handle this crap. That's what it is too...crap.

The highlight of my day was seeing that my Mark Hoppus cookie poster that I made last year has been put back up. Yes.

Oh and I'll get those Japanese bonus tracks up later.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Gah..I have no self-control!

So I have something to confess. I downloaded the Japan version of Coming Home about a week and a half ago. But I swear I just started listening to it tonight. I listened to the leak in it's entire-ity(lol sp?) on pv and that's it. I'm still going to go buy it!!! I just wanted the Japan bonus tracks...all yes 3! of them! I'm still gonna head to best buy tommorrow yayz!! I love new cds it's so exciting! Just think in November I'll be super stoked..Plus 44 and Brand New...good much music!

I'll bonus tracks tommorrow via yousendit or megaupload. Just for you guys cuz I'm cool like I'm really pretty lame but I like to share things!

-Make It Right
-It's All Around You
"Hot Pockets & Xena Tapes"

Me and my brother's favorite line from the movie uhh Journey to the center of the earth...atleast that's what I think it was called. The little hacker dude said he could do his job if had some hot pockets and Xena tapes...haha.

So I'm trying to decide if I feel really cool or really lame sitting here eating sour cream and onion pringles and drinking artic shatter flavored powerade. Wearing my super comfy and warm new hoodie. tell or lame? haha.

Aren't pringles the best though? You never call them call them pringles...they're all shaped the same and all the same size....with regular chips there's all kinds of shapes and sizes. They're probably really bad for you along with everything else but you know screw that, they're too dang good!

I need to buckle down and pull my grades up to A's in the next 4 and a half weeks. Well atleast in Espanol and Web Design which should be easy in those classes. I can probably mange to do that in History too. I have a feeling I'm getting a B in drama....that teacher is too critical and picky. I'm going to wow her pants off with this new project she gave us that involves marketing a script for a play. I took Marketing last year...Mark Hoppus cookie poster know Mark Hoppus eating a cookie brought people in the school store!

Oh yeah I'm going to kick ass at school watch out...I'm pumped, I'm full of energy, it's Monday and I'm drinking powerade! Ahhh.....I'm mostly pumped because TOMMORROW THE NEW NFG CD DROPS!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!

Well....I'm going to finish up posting my first round on the-n for today then go start to read a play. Then start working on my presentation. Super Sarah!! Yeah...I'm wayyy to hyper right now.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A Thousand Faces We'll Choose to Ignore....

I seriously got chills the first time I watched : Plus 44 performing No It Isn't....there's also a vid up of them performing Lillian...I definately can't wait for this album.

NFG Tuesday...I'm about to go check the ads for Best Buy see who has the best price.

Oh and my Dad was flipping channels yesterday and he stopped on CD USA and Hellogoodbye was performing haha, He's like who do these guys think they are ABBA? haha. So apparently Hellogoodbye sound somewhat like ABBA. Or he said they sound like Disco stuff...ehh...who knows, can't say I listen to ABBA.

Yeah so I just wanted to talk about music for a second so there : )

Friday, September 15, 2006

You've Won Me Over..In No Time At All....

So I did a little shopping today and got a couple of pairs of jeans and a hoodie. I went to Steve & Barry's....everything in the store is $7.98...yes everything. They have no juniors section though weird. So I went to the girls section since the smallest jean size they had in womens was a 4. I found some 16's and 14's in the girls section. I tried them on and the 16's were too big so I got 2 pairs of 14's and then a navy blue zip up hoodie that says rock star on it hehe. 2 pairs of jeans and a hoodie for 25ish bucks. Not a bad deal. I should have plenty of jeans now...hey I have enough pairs to wear a different everyday of the school week. Sweet.

It's Friday that means....Football.....HS football anyways. I don't go to the games but I keep up with it on the Telly. We play Luers tonight....Luers is Undefeated or is that Dwenger? Either way they could very well beat us.

Oh and that means only 3 days!!!!! YAY!!!

School is killing me. I've never been so exhausted from going to school. Even when I had P.E. First period is killing me. I've never been so sore after a class. Not even P.E.....I plan on sleeping this weekend. Sleep sounds vonderful...

Ehh...I'm out of things to say....later kiddies.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

It Was Just a Few Years in the Making Now...

So let's think hypothetically ok? This is purely a hypotheical situation....which isn't completely false. I just feel the need to talk about it and get it outta my system. So I can maybe do some homework.

Ok so there's girl....lets call her Rose (haha that came outta nowhere)..and there's this guy lets call him Bruce(asian guy from survivor last season as inspiration lol). Anyways Rose likes Bruce, Rose told Bruce this a couple of times. But...Bruce likes this other girl, lets call her Alicia and Alicia is torn...between Bruce and lets say a guy named Pablo (spanish names hehe.) So Alicia is torn and doesn't know what to do because both Pablo and Bruce like her.

Meanwhile Rose is standing in the background on the outside of that whole shall we say "Love Triangle" waiting to see how it plays out, even though Rose really shouldn't know about the whole situation. Because it's really none of Rose's business, and Rose should just keep her nose out of things and not get involved. Because Rose knows that Bruce is happy and that's all Rose wants....

Rose wants to let go and move on, because's just time for Rose to let go. Rose struggles with this. Rose is just as confused as Alicia probably. Then to top it off Rose gets asked out by someone else who she's definately not really into and is scared of hurting that person's feelings.

Rose has a gut feeling that Alicia will pick Pablo over Bruce that just adds to the confusion. But Rose also knows that's nothing is for sure. So....Rose just decides to stay out of it and let whatever happens happen.

Wow...compeltely hypothetical keep that in my mind. It just kinda popped in my head today at school.

In other news(haha I sound like a cheesy news anchor) arms are swollen. Not much but enough to make em' hurt...oh yay..ehh. Which is why I should get off the computer now. Ehh..until whenever Hasta Luego!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Don't Leave....Don't Leave Me Here...

I never said that I didn't need you put down your arms and wrap them both right around me...right around me

The New NFG album is going to own....almost as much as me....a minja... :D All next week should pretty much own too...I can't wait!!! I haven't been this excited about something since uh....Miranda's party maybe?

P.S.-I have old lady all boney and arthritisy/carpal Web Design is killing me I'm so stiff/sore after that class it isn't even funny. I want to say Mr. Tudor pleeassee don't make me hurtssss which is has begun too....50 degrees in the classroom and carpal tunnel don't mix.

Monday, September 11, 2006

It's Not Your Fault......

No matter how hard you try to forget things, chances are you'll never forget them.

I thought it was neat today in Spanish when we talked about where we were on 9/11 5 years ago. Of course I posted about what happened to me about a month ago in this journal. Check the August Archives if you really must know. It's kind of interesting though to hear everyone's story. Everyone's is different, share you story with me. I like reading things or talking about things.

In other non related to 9/11 things NFG's album has been leaked on PV and I'm listening to it right now. So far the only song I haven't heard that I've gotten to is "On My Mind" and wow....does that hit home right now. Anyway, so far it's different from old NFG, different but a good different. It'll be in my cd player for awhile after I get it next Tuesday. I'm only going to listen to it all the way through once today and that's it until next Tuesday. I swear. Cuz tommorrow it'll be on bittorrent for sure.

Someone once brought up something in a class of mine.....basically it was this "Anger is just a cover up for basically hurt is anger." We discussed it a lot that day. I didn't really say anything because I was afraid of disclosing too much information...But think about it, don't you think it's true? Anger is easier to deal with than hurt so we turn our hurt into anger. I'll admit, I'm guilty of this.

I like getting off on random tangets so here's another one for you. We were discussing this in the lunch line well besides the joy of having chocolate pudding haha. Anyways has anyone noticed that now days a lot of the times girls ask out the guys? I have. That kind of goes against how our ancestors did it. The guy was always the one who did the asking. I guess now women are in more of a power position and are more "ballsy" than men. Haha. So we're going to take charge and not mess around. Ha. I can come up with a whole list of reasons of why women are stronger than men. But I think I'll save that for another time. Just things I've learnt from personal experience or have noticed about people at school and such.

Ah well I'm going to go post on the-n and finish listening to the NFG album....yay!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Day is Grey....I Don't Love you....anymore

Too bad it isn't that easy.

I'm not sure of anything anymore. Everything is changing. There's no one left to count on.

At this point I'm too upset about things to even talk or see some people again. I know I'll eventually get over this but, I tried last year and wasn't able to let go. My mind says let heart doesn't. Like I said yesterday, Feelings suck.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

And I feel like....

Feelings suck sometimes don't they? Like the feeling of lonliness. That's what makes weekends suck so much. They're always so lonely. Everybody is out having fun, doing something they'll talk about on Monday morning at school.

Not me...I'm never invited along to those kinds of things. I would go do something myself but I can't until I get my liscense. Plus I need a job before I can drive anyways. Stupid insurance and gas. Once I get a job I'll have no life still anyways. I'll be working all the time. I suppose that's better than sitting around feeling useless.

Is there a time to let go of people? People whom it seem like you have absolutely nothing in common with anymore? Once friends but now more like aquaintinces. Some things are coming up and I'm questioning relationships that I have with people. Not a lot of people. Just some people. People are finding themselves. Making decisons that could ultimately change/affect their lives. I know I should have an open mind and not discrimante against them. I'm not going to, it's just that some of the decisions they make, make me wonder what made them decide to do that? I guess I haven't completely found myself. I'm getting there. I've already decided some things that I want to stick by in my life. Things I won't force down people's throats. Things I believe to be right.

I'm utterly bored with life. There's nothing to be excited about, nothing to look forward to. I need new music or something. It seems like all the music I'm listening to is really stale. I even resorted to listening to Launchcast today. Oh yeah I listened to S Club 7 again today on there, "There ain't no party like an S Club Party.." haha. I need something new, something fresh, something exciting.

Excitement gets those little endorphins released in my brain and makes me feel amazing. Someone excite me....give me links to bands to listen to, tell me something that'll suprise me, give me a hug....yes a hug is pretty exciting haha. It makes me feel good about myself anyways...Gah well it doesn't hurt to ask does it?

Friday, September 08, 2006

School Lunches Still Suck

So...some girl made fun of me in the lunch line today for not having a tan. Lame. Especially when I'm standing right behind her. She could've atleast waited until she was seated somewhere to go and talk about someone...ah oh well, I'm not down at their level ha!

There was also a fight today at lunch between a white girl and a black girl....didn't get to see it though. They did make everyone leave the cafeteria while they hauled the girls out to the squad cars. So we stood around in the hallway since we got out of lunch early. I'm always missing the fights. I only saw one last year in the morning in the cafeteria.

I'm really tired, so tired my eyes hurt. Which is probably a sure sign to get off the computer right? haha. I'm sooooo sore too from typing so much in uncomfortable positions. The chairs in our computer labs at school suck. And sitting there entering code for an hour and a half in an uncomfortable chair sucks. Then we went to the lab again in 3rd period.

I watched Flight 93 last night. Just wow...just seems like yesterday all that 9/11 stuff was happening but yet it was 5 years ago, that's hard to believe. I've heard that the war on terror has now gone on longer than World War II. Don't quote me because I'm not sure if it's true information or not.

Too tired to continue....maybe another update this weekend? We'll see. Maybe a song or playlist for you to d/'s an idea.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

MMmm...New Found Glory

I just have to start off by saying that I think NFG is going to blow up hugely once September 19th rolls around. Especially after all the msyeterious..."whoa NFG NICE!!! or NFG ROCKS!!!!" comments on my web design comment sheets. Oh yes all the "Hardcore", "Scene" kids are getting back into them either that...or they've secretly loved them all along...come on you know you love em'! I've seen people's myspace pages and I always check out the music section and more and more people are listening NFG as a band that's one of their favorites. 12 days! Whoo!

Moving on....I'm pretty much procrastinating right now. I really should be writing my rough draft for Drama....that I should've done yesterday. Whoops. I'm pretty sure I have a decent idea though and have a better direction as to where I'm going with the piece than I did with the picture.

Lunch still sucks...but other than that school is decent. Oh and all the kids in my Web Design class who like The guys rock....GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE! Yes! Randomness tonight so that's it, I need to channel my energy into actually doing something productive now.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So I'm tired...ohhhh so very tired. I should probably go to bed but I'm not, just because I feel the need to blog.

We have to write another piece for Drama gahhhh this time I'm going to be Rosa Parks. Hopefully I'll be able to use a dialect this time since I'm finally pretty much over my cold. Yay for that!

We had a college planning meeting thing today during US History. Excitement. Heh. The best part of the whole thing was hanging out with Kevin, Nicole, and Bev. Oh and I got told twice today that I need to eat more. I kept telling them that they should see me eat. I dunno I suppose only eating twice a day has something to do with me being skinny. We did the little calorie count last year in foods class, I was below my 2,000 calorie a day limit. I got like a 1400 or no I don't count calories I just eat what I want when I want. I bet some days I go wayyy over.

So I'm sitting in Web Design and we're about to go around to everybody's pc's to look at our First projects and critque everbodies annoymusly...(shhh I can't spell..) and suddenly I start looking at mine and I realize it's complete crap. It's sooooo BORING and PLAIN and I wanted to sit there and just delete the whole thing. It was a good experience though I got a chance to see other people's work and find out what other people in that class are into. We continue on tommorrow and I get to read my *announomus haha critques. Hopefully I was helpful in the ones I left.

So I pretty much feel disconnected from everyone right now. I feel like I haven't talked to my friends in some cases it's kind of true and other's I just talked to them today or recently. I almost feel like I need to constantly be in touch sometimes. Like I need to have that person who I know I can call at any time of any day and just vent. Not like I've ever done that but it'd be like a security blanket you know? Just someone you can always count on to be there for you and support you when you need them....or it could go the other way too when they need me.

I feel like I'm getting really random in this journal entry but I don't really care.

Do you find it hard or weird to talk about yourself? Sometimes I feel that way. I guess I don't really know how much information I want to disclose about myself to other people sometimes. Some people are the total opposite though and will tell a complete stranger their whole life story. I just don't think I could do that. I'd be constantly questioning everything I'd be saying. I'd think that I'd said something that offended them or made me sound stupid or something like that.Back to the whole website thing, we had to write a tiny little bio....I didn't even know where to start...I felt weird sharing information about myself to complete strangers whom I'd mostly never met in my life before. Plus I guess there's just some things you don't want some people to know about you.

Hmm....there's some stuff for you people to wrap your heads around....I'm going to go catch some Zz's....

Monday, September 04, 2006

First off R.I.P Steve Irwin. I seriously grew up watching that show. He made nature fun and exciting. He always had great enthusiasm. He'll be missed in the animal planet TV world...if they even show his show anymore...I haven't watched that channel in awhile.

I lost my what I think is my last baby tooth today. Yeah, family grows slower than most ok geesh. I'm 16 and just lost my last baby tooth pathetic I know. But I'm glad it's finally out it hurt like hell.

I have to try and wake up on my own for the next uhh week or so for school. This is going to be tough. The mommerz is out on a cruise with the g-pa.....Me getting myself up at 6:30....uh we'll see. I might have to excersise my option of riding to school with Erin if I miss the bus haha. Ah well atleast I'll still be going to dreaded school. Blah.

One thing I'm going to try to work on in my free time at school this week is work on my essay for the NFG contest. I'm gonna win I swear! It'll be me and 5 of my friends flying to NYC for a private show...and we're going to get Chad Hugs!!!! haha hey dream big! If you don't try at all then you won't even have a chance of getting to that private NYC show. Chad Hugs here we come! Oh and I'd most definately be willing to skip school to fly to NYC to see them too. Umm....death in the family or sick, I think so. Or even better just use my college visit days...that's the ticket. I'm touring Colleges in NYC the next two days....bye.

The only catch to that contest is that the essay has to be about my favorite NFG song and I can't pick one! I got Miranda to enter and she picked Boy Crazy....I told Erin about it but I don't know if she's done it. Hopefully one of us wins. I think I'll have to listen to all my NFG so I can work on picking a song. Alot of their songs have potential and also most of them have rotated their way through being my favorite song at one time. Gosh this is going to be hard.

Ah well I'm going to go pack my stuff for school tommorrow incase I wake up incredibly late and just have to get dressed and go to school. So......laterz kidz.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Blahh!!! Being sick sucks, especially the mornings. My head is full of gunk....ha gunk. It's all blow your nose and cough these disgusting coughs that are awful. My family has dubbed them Smoker's coughs because it sounds like I smoke a few packs a day. Which I don't.

See this is what happens when you go back to school. You get sick. Going to school with 2,200 kids isn't helping me stay healthy. I feel bad though because I think I passed my cold on to a couple of teachers. Whoops.

I don't really like school as much as previous years. Probably because it's not as fun. People have told me this year you're not talking as much as you used to. I was like huh? What do you mean? So apparently I don't talk as much as I used to. Probably because I've gotten used to not talking to anyone over the summer. I've gotten used to keeping myself company. I spent the days in my room, reading, writing, watching TV, and on the computer occasionally iming people.
That was pretty much the extent of my summer, excting huh? We didn't do anything, didn't go anywhere. Eh.

There were a few highlight days of my summer where I had fun. I used those when we made our collage you could call it in Drama class. We had to go up on stage and tell the class about them. That was fun. haha.

I don't know the point of that post but eh whatever it's there yeah haha.