Thursday, May 01, 2008

I May Look Sickly but I'm not I Swear.

So I went to the doctor's today after school for the whole physical thingy. I got a shot...mennigitis vaccine. Gah now I feel worse than I did walking into that place....left arm is killing me but I'm not into getting shots in the butt heh. Anyways I also have a sciatica. They want me to take a muscle relaxer and steriods but I'm not planning on it unless the pain really gets unbearable because I've heard people are pretty loopy after the muscle relaxers. And steroids tend to make people puff up heh. Anwyays, atleast I know I'm not dying....haha. Seriously in the back of my mind was the worst possible scenario which we won't even go into.

Anyways afterwards we went to Best Buy to purchase the new NFG album....completely sold out! Gah went a few doors down to Walmart, completely gone! GAH! We were also looking for a bag for my junk for prom and there were stores along the way the last one in the strip was Kohls found a black patent leather one I liked for 6 bucks, orginally 30! The deal of the day. Plus shoe carnival had the chucks I wanted on sale but they were still 35 bucks and that's all the cash I have so I didn't buy them. So I may try the Walmart and Mejier out here tommorrow for the CD if I have access to the vehicle. If not Prom Saturday night I will have the car can you say B-Buy run first? lmao. Nah probably go during the day, Prom dressing it up in Best Buy lmao.

God my arm is killing me from that shot....hurts majorly to even attempt to lift my arm over my head. Well I better go finishing reading this book for a book report that's due Monday!?! What the hell? Right? What kind of teacher assigns a book report due the day after Prom weekend? So I need to knock that out before Prom. So much to little time. Oh times in Pre-Calc but we'll get into that another time.

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