Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dear Your Name Here____

I don't even bother signing on to AIM anymore. I know I won't see your screenname there. So what's the point? I don't sit there waiting for you to sign on anymore. I realize we both have lives now...more important things to do then IM people constantly. We've both moved on...I no longer feel the need to talk to you. Atleast...not about my freak outs or things like that. I'm ok now. Maybe you saw too much of the vunerable part of me, I don't know....I'm sorry about that, but you can't really help it when your brain is fucked...and you don't know how to be feel normal and happy.

I fully realize that you moved on a long time ago....and now I have to. This is something I've learnt to accept in my life now. Finally, after 3-4 years...I can say that I'm ok with us just being this. I'll cherish the memories, and never forget them. I'll never forget you and the things you did for me. This isn't a desperate last ditch effort to some how win you's just letting you know that I'm ok....and I'll be ok. If I ever need said you'd be there...I know I can trust your word. I'll be here for you too.

With endings come new beginnings. Life moves on with or without you in mine all the time. I hope the world treats you right...and just know I'll always be here...don't forget me completely. You'll always be a friend in my I'll have some entertaining stories about us to tell people. Thanks for making atleast my freshmen year a little bit like "typical high school" ha. Sometimes it's not physical distance that keeps people apart...because we do live really close to each other, it's just something that wasn't meant to be. We were connected when we needed to be....and now we don't need eachother nearly as much.

I'll miss you, but I know you're happy. I'm happy. We're finally getting our breaks...lets take them and run with them.

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