Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Rainy, Hazy...Lazy.

So this past weekend was pretty good. I have high hopes for this coming weekend as well. Seriously the next few weekends are bound to be pretty awesome. I just hope this weather front moves through quickly or it rains or something my head has been killing me all day. It's a not quite there migrane haha, it's kind of in my eyes and making me sensitive to light and a bit nacious but not severly like when I get a full blown migrane. But aside from the headache today was well....interesting. I think I'm just going to leave it that because well...some things are better left unsaid and I don't want to start a bunch of shit with people.

We're going fishing tommorrow in lifetime sports haha maybe I'll catch something who knows. It'll probably rain...that'll be my luck anyways. I should probably look for a sports movie to bring to class for tommorrow 1st period. Since there's only like 10 minutes of Space Jam left to watch. We'll see if I get ambitious enough to actually look though. Right now I just feel like lying down and watching TV, not that there's anything good on. I want to write but again....not feeling ambitious enough to do so.

Only 11 more classes seperate me from getting out high school.....yes.

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