Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Carpe Diem

I woke up this morning and something from Lance Armstrong's book hit me.....and all at once I decided that Carpe Diem was going to be my theme from now own. I don't know why or how but I'm going to....I have to. Why the hell not right? Might as well just sit back and sieze the moment.

I got home from school today knowing that I have somehow yet again lost my key. (somebody should tie the thing to my wrist or something! by the way...still no clue as to where it is!) So I went to the backyard and set all my crap in a lawn chair. My first thought was to do my pre-calc but quickly decided against that. So I took off my shoes and just lay down on the patio. I stared up at the sky and watched the clouds go by...I didn't realize how fast the clouds moved until that moment. Usually when I'm looking at them it's from a moving vehicle so you assume it's just you that's moving and not the clouds. But laying there not moving at all...was almost dizzying but yet so amazing at the same time. After a while there was this big grey cloud and the wind started to pick up. My first thought was oh man it's going to rain and I'm going to get soaked. But I quickly changed my mind and said you know what....let it happen, bring on the rain...besides wouldn't that be straight out of a movie? A girl lying on her patio staring at the sky...and then it just pours. It didn't rain and my dad came home with the key shortly after but it was still just wow.

Life is kind of like the sky...especially here. We have far more cloudy/rainy/snowy days here than anything else. Life is funny that way giving you far more bad than good days. But shouldn't we just take it as it comes even if it moves entirely too fast for our liking sometimes? Maybe we should all live by Carpe Diem and sieze every possible good moment because you never know when those clouds will start rolling in again. Besides most of us will soon be experiencing a whole new set of things....to make the best out of every situation...shouldn't we seize the moment? Or atleast try to....because everything is easier said than done.

So shock me in a good way and I'll love it. Do something for yourself you've always wanted to do....you'll love it. If it's something legal and isn't hurting anyone....don't think twice...just do it. Courage is hard to find....trust me I know....getting up courage is scary but you only live once....and before you know you'll loose your opportunity to do things you've always wanted to do but never did. So...are you going to see anything shocking out of me? We'll....see.

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