Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thursdays are Amazing

Today was pretty great. I've learnt and experienced new things. I took my first ride in a German car today. BMW Mini Cooper haha a Mini with mucho issues, it's sitting in our driveway right now with all the electrical shit on still. Seriously had to stall it just to get the motor off. So tommorrow the battery will be dead and it'll need jumped but it's still a fun little car. Not that I got to drive it...can't drive a stick yet ha.

We went to mall to cash in tickets from the arcade place and basically got a buttload of candy. Then while my parents were in Scotts buying stuff I told myself I was going to teach myself how to text and guess what? I did. Yeah. Watch out. But the phone isn't mine, it's a work phone and dunno if it has unlimited texting. So chances are I probably won't be texting all too much. I don't feel as socially inept though now.

Then I got home and checked my email, I finally heard back from my college choices focus group. Next Thursday at 4PM $50 coming my way for participating. YES. The cash comes a little late though, I need that money before then for uh...C-Point. Ha yeah I've finally convinced my mom to let me particpate in Senior Skip Day. But now I have nothing to do on it....ahhh. Kyle said he was going to try to hook me up with some random odd jobs at his Mom's work this weekend though and it pays pretty well. Sooo maybe, if it's not pouring.

I'm pretty stoked about a million and a half things right now. No joke. I'm definately not in the mindset to do homework though which I really should be doing. Gah....why even give homework in May? It's not like we put a lot of effort into it. Ok well I'm going to go be a giddy loser and do something else now.

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