Saturday, May 10, 2008

So we're a Trio?

This week has been great aside from back pain which now has been temporarily taken care of, sitting is no longer painful. Fun in pretty much every the way why is it more fun to have a sub in Danley's class than it is when he's there? Yeah, Friday ruled. Except for the part where Senor questioned me about Matt aka Mateo haha. Erin and her big mouth to Senor gahh. Not that anything aside from friendship is happening there anyways.

Speaking of Matt, hung out with both him and Jake today. More with Jake though because Matt had some shiz to do. It was fun, I bought them things they're not old enough to buy. Ha. Plus anything is better than sitting around here doing nothing all day. And for the record, I suck majorly at Rock Band.

So yeah, tommorrow is Mother's Day, the bro and I went out Friday and got a card and a gift that we actually paid for ourselves. First time....ever. Ha. Well last year I made the kick ass Nick Simmons card that my mom still carries around with her to this day and shows to her friends, yeah it was that amazing. Now my card this year isn't quite as good but it's good...and made out of recycled paper so you can't really go wrong right?

Seriously only like 3 weeks until I walk across that stage at the Colisieum and graduate. Wow. Great but Wow. There are some aspects of high school I'm going to miss but truthfully I'm ready to get out of there. So the next three weeks should be amazing....we'll see though. But I have a gut feeling they will be amazing. I'm going to make sure they're amazing so there.

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