Sunday, April 27, 2008

Smile, Like You've Got Nothing to Prove.

As the weather gets better I seem to spend less time on the computer and more time do other things which for me is REALLY good. Being cooped up inside all winter drives me crazy. Anywho, last week was pretty much amazing. Senior Recongnition night was and boring but I was still glad I got to be a part of it, even if it was lame. Then Friday, I had an interview at Ritters. I think it went well, I'm supposed to find out something tommorrow so we'll see, wish me luck! Oh and I had to tape confirmation today...longgggg.

This week is going to be just as full, especially if I have to go to Ritters for training. Then throw in a book report, a doctors appointment and prom....ha, it should be interesting. I'm not exactly sure who I'm going to prom with looks like I may be driving down there by my lonesome. Ah we'll see, I'm sure things will work out by Saturday. We also get Interims this week....that means only a MONTH LEFT! YES! Seriously my whole demeanor is just amazing right now, I feel as nothing can bring me down. I feel like I'm finally living life again. I'm breaking down walls and letting myself live. It's a great feeling....I'm not scared for summer this year....I'm ready for it. School no longer has to be my safe haven. I'm ready for anything, confidience is building....bring it on.

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