Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 86

I came close to being very royally screwed tonight but thank god everything is ok. Big sigh of relief coming from me tonight haha.

I leave 2 weeks from tommorrow. Yes! So I'm tying up loose ends here (not very many and not too many of significance actually) and thinking about starting to pack but in all reality not making any progress at all. Once I get through this last week of work I'll spend the week after packing and sorting and what not.

Work is going to be wierd without the SRP desk, ohhh Summer Reading and how I hated asking kids if they wanted to sign up haha, actually won't be so bad unless we run out of task slips again which would be mucho bad. But we still do have the computer room but that still only leaves desk stuff for dos personas at a time.

Anyways deviating from work, I was thinking about my major again today, and how maybe I'd like to switch it...bottom line...decided to leave it and keep my minor as well. Mostly because all the business minors require Econ blah no thanks. We shall see how it all goes.

Alright well I'm assisting in the makin of Teryaki Chicken tonight, and yeah..I stupidly didn't get any movies from the library to watch but oh well there's always tommorrow.

I feel like my entries lately have been mucho boring...ah oh well I guess.

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