Monday, August 03, 2009

Day 89

1 Day down, 4 to go this week work wise. Yes. Work is getting extremely boring again as we are stuck doing task slips the majority of the time and only being scheduled on desk for 2 hours as it is in my case tommorrow.

I'm trying to be good by cutting my portions and sweets haha but tonight I was at Walmart and saw this lemon cupcake with lemon frosting on sale and mannn I couldn't resist so the momz bought it for me. But other than that and the marshmallows we're toasting I'm going to behave myself. I realize that my eating over the past few days has been a bit out of control. And I don't want to face consequences of that, actually already have eating like that makes my stomach hurt/causes heartburn sometimes, so better to cut back anyways.

You know, the only thing I missed this summer was a good BLT. We usually eat em' a few times a week in the summer and I haven't had one this summer. Well partially because we no longer have a toaster, and a blt has got to be toasted. Man I need to track down somebody with a toaster at school and then all I'd need is some bacon and a tomatoe, ehh lettuce is always optional lol and may you can get in those little packets haha. Anybody else up for a Bacon Tomato Sandwhich? Geeze now I wish we were having those instead of Pork Chops haha, and those damn Asain Vegetables we always seem to eat now, why not mix it up with some corn or peas or carrots or something else! Gah! Or some Baked Beans, I think we've eaten those once this summer. summer I'm making a list of must have summer foods/meals. Like in the winter when I'm rarely home I want chili and stew haha.

Actually I need to stop talking about food because it's just making me hungrier and hungry for things that we're not having...yeah even Tuna Noodle Casserole sounds amazing at the moment, not that the way we make it is's yummers. Alright well off to see how this food is coming along.

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