Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 78

So yesterday was a good news day, Adam is now officially an independent student, which means he's coming back to school with everyone! YES! Oh and I emailed my new Hall Director and I am still on opening committee so I get to move in on the 15th, which means I'm only 22 days away from moving in. Oh man I can't wait. It'll be great being back in Muncie.

Next week is potentially my last week of work unless I get extended a few more days into the following week we shall see. I know it's not the most exciting job but I'm willing to suck it up and hang in there until August 7th to haul in that extra paycheck. So we shall see, August schedule should be out sometime this week or early next week.

Everything is slowly falling into place, and I can officially be excited now. The only that could be better is the weather, seriously doesn't feel like July at all. It's rainy and chilly most of the time here. Blah. It definately hasn't been a hot and humid summer at all.

Ok well I should probably start to get ready for work today, so I can eat and such before I leave. Just have to get through 2 work days so I can see Adam again...whoo.

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