Monday, January 15, 2007

This is the story of a girl....

So I was checking my edline to see what lunch I have for this next term and well I clicked on English to see if Crowley had put any extra credit stuff up, which he had...and I have an advangtage of knowing his extra credits...but anyways, it says 2 page Autobiographical Essay due on the 26th...that's an essay about your life right?

Doesn't this man know that I could have an atleast a 100 page book about my life. Good God man, you're limited me to 2 pages double spaced? You're going to get a really cheesy paper from me, that's all I have to say. He won't really know any more about me from reading that essay except for maybe when I was born, and the names of my family members. He won't truley get an essence of who I am. But yet I should save the dirt for my essay that's going to hopefully help me get that Eli-Lilly Scholarship...if I got that, I wouldn't have to go to IPFW, I could go to IU or Purdue and get an awesome education all expenses paid. Wouldn't that be awesome? Ah well I can dream can't I?

Of course a huge chunk of my life is kept a secret which I' ve been seriously deabating about telling people as you may or may not already know. I'll probaby leave that out of the essay. I wrote about it freshmen year in my obstacle essay....but that didn't even give much insight into it and was really generic and bland too. Ah well he doesn't need to know what makes me react the way I do to things ect.....but I think some people deserve to know. And for some reason I feel like I need to justify myself.

I think I've been thinking too much today though. My head hurts...this is the 2nd blog I've written today. The other was on my GJ....and it was like super deep compared to this. I shared some stuff about a certain night that I was hanging out with a few friends in late June. Of course my head could hurt because of allergies or something, Ah well either way I need to get my crap together for school tommorrow. Here's hoping for a 2 hour delay!

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