Saturday, January 27, 2007

No hamburger, No Special Sauce, No Lettuce, No Nothing

So I started my day today around 8:30ish. Oh Jou right? I got up, got dressed and went over to my Grandpa's house where I hungout with my Aunt and such a bit. Then we headed over to ITT Tech to tour the school. Small place, I don't think I want to go there...Then on the way home we stopped at the library so I could pick up a couple of applications to fill out.

I was home untill about 3:30ish when we went to Mejier to go grocery shopping. Saw Matt....he was doing carts and the gel he had in his hair looked frozen and pretty bad...which in a way was kind of funny. Erin's lane had too long of a line so we went in the one next to it. Then Tom randomly starts yelling at waving at me and pointing at me haha. So we got back around 4:30ish.

We left again at 6ish to take my brother to a birthday party at Laser X. So after that we went to Tar-jay to try to find those shoes again but again they didn't have them blah. So then it was off to Hobby Lobby where I got a color by numbers because I get bored and I like to color psh...Then we had time to kill since Hobby Lobby closes at 8 and the bro's party wasn't over until 8:30. So we decided to go to the mall. We ended up at Penny's and I got this neato jacket for $7. It was originally $44. We also were looking at possible dresses for I don't know whatever occassion. They were onsale tooo....Lots of stuff was onsale there today.

We pick up the bro, get some Mcdonalds and head home...and here I am. I'm tired, I haven't done this much running around in awhile. Luckily all I have to do tommorrow is a little bit of Chemistry homework and maybe read my book for English a little bit.

Oh and I downloaded the Shiny Toy Guns album today, it's pretty awesome, you should probably check it out. Oh and anything by Andrew W.K. is pretty much awesome as well, I got ahold of some of his stuff last weekend. It brings back memories of freshmen year and raking leaves with Tyler, Witters, and Stephen, good times haha.

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