Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm Not Tired....No I'm Not Tired....

Sleep? what's that? For some reason I spent most of the night dozing on and off and tossing and turning. I don't know why though, hopefully I'lll sleep better tonight.

Today was the first day of 2nd term which means all new classes....Yikes!

So we go to homeroom and coach Ike doesn't pass out schedule cards ect until 2 minutes before the bell so I was late to my first period class...that was embarassing. The teacher seems cool though...oh it's Algebra II by the way. Arghness.....stupid heavy ass book. We had to do a problem solving worksheet right off the bat...geeze man give me a break I haven't had math since last spring! Plus I know like nobody in that class...major bummer.

2nd period is Chemistry...atleast I know some people, Tyler, Andrew, Suzy (yes the one from CLHS ugh...annoyingness...haha.), oh and Bernice is going to be in my class too but she's still sick. So I won't get her as a lab partner and I'll end up with someone I don't know :-( . We got homework on the first day from this guy. Like 15 questions and read the first chapter. God we're going to be testing over the first two chapters next Thursday. That's what a week!?! Gah.
Oh and why do all Science teachers generally look the same? Just tell me that....heh. He did blow up stuff with Hydrogen today though, and we melted stuff with acid so that was fun.

3rd period is Advanced Computer Aps/Desktop Publishing, we have a sub, an ex-high school/college star football player. He got a full ride to some college in Ohio...I don't think it was Ohio State though. And he apparently got drafted by the NFL, don't remember what team though...and trained with some team..and then he got injured and couldn't play. He played with the freedom for awhile and then he got injured again so now he just coaches at Snider and subs....so yeah. We were going to do something with word but some crap we had to use was broken so...we surfed the internet an hour and a half until lunch. Which was fine with me.

Lunch was alright, I ate with Erin, Chase, and Amanda. I miss eating with Josh(Bob), Ian, KJ, and Emily..ect though. They're more uh...entertaining. What who doesn't like talking about uh....uh...never mind..haha. I'm not going to keep getting alacarte though unless it's a salad because I don't want to spend a $1.50 a day on just a sandwhich and a milk....with the regular meal I get the main course thing and sides and desert..psh. I need me some of that damn good chocolate cake!

4th period English....Crowely again. I got my extra credit already for the year though 30 points haha. Go me. 30 extra credit points on the first day!?! Yeah...beat that. I sit by Micah....err and the guy they call "the Jew" he's kind of annoying...and is balding....haha. Derek and Alex are in that class though so I know people and can hang with them. We also have a student teacher...who looks like Mrs. Wells....I bet she's her sister they took ALOT ALIKE. If they're not...that'd be freaky. I'll have to ask her if she has a sister that teaches at CLHS....because yeah there's loads of resemblence.

Alright well I think I might get a head start on our massive Chemistry assignment that's due Thursday...I have a feeling I'm gonna need a tudor for this class haha. Right now it's alright...it's just the scientific method and shiz like that. I'm not going to have any life at all thanks to school..luckily the math assignments haven't started rolling in yet....that'll be tommorrow night. OH JOU!

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