Saturday, January 20, 2007

They Don't Call Me Betty Crocker for Nothin'

I feel like baking....warm delicious chocolate chip cookies. I've been debating about making them the last two nights, but I was being extremely selfish and planned on making them after the bro went to bed so I'd only have to share with my mom..haha. But now I've come to my senses and decided I can share I guess. I shouldn't be eating 2 dozen cookies by myself anyways.

I also have a cake mix...I could make yellow cake with chocolate frosting...that sounds good too. Ooh I should get some muffin mixes at the store today. Muffins sound really good too.

Gah I'm soooo hungry sitting here right now. I'm about to go make some cornbread and heat up a bowl of chili for lunch. That sounds excellent especially since I'm cold sitting here right now. Yes! that's what I'll do. I'll suprise the mommerz when she gets home by making cornbread to go with our lunch...yay for good ideas.

Well...tis all for me now.

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