Wednesday, January 17, 2007

And Life Barrels on Like a Runaway Train

So I'm like mentally wiped now. Not because of stress or anything, just school work. I swear my Chemistry teacher is like a homework Nazi or something. Today we had 6 problems in the book (some of which required math...ugh) , and a two sided worksheet, and a pre-lab to do....It makes my head hurt just thinking about it. Plus we took so many notes today that by the end of class my carpal tunnel was acting up. And we have a quiz over the whole chapter on Friday!?! WHHHAAATTTT?!?! I'm going to me.

Oh and in English Mr. C wants us to bring in a notebook so we can journal....about stuff that's going on in our lives. What is this therapy? God, I don't know what I'll write...he said don't be afraid to open up about things...he said what's the worst that you can write, what happened when you and your boyfriend broke up? I was dude if you think that's the worst of my problems than you're in for a shock. I don't know we'll see what comes out. I just hope CPS or some shit like that doesn't get called on me if I decide to open up to him...Mrs. Evans didn't but who knows...this guy is like more....compassionate and actually cares about his students for the most part.

So if I'm journaling at school and the plethora of Chemistry homework continues I won't be online much at all. I have to find and start reading my book for my book report..and start on that stupid autobiography...oh and Math homework. I can't wait for Junior year to be over...I'm more than ready for summer. Gah well I'm going to curl up in the fetal position and watch tv my brain explodes....haha.

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