Sunday, January 14, 2007

Don't Let This Slip...

So some of you may have noticed that ^ as my away message for the past day or so.

Have you ever wanted to talk to someone really really bad but were scared to because you didn't know what to say to them? Because you'd promised some one else that you wouldn't bring something up but yet you care about this person and just want to help them or listen to them....or just really go up to them and hug them.

But yet part of you wants to tell them what's been eating at you. Something you've debated about telling this person for well practically as long as you've known them. That something is something that makes you act how you do sometimes. It explains a lot....but then again if you told that person in just one short little 6 word sentence what was going on....that you'd have to explain further because everyone asks questions....they always do.

And then you wouldn't be able to tell if the person was sincerly concerned or if they were just trying to act to concerned because they know that's the right thing to do. So then you'd end up feeling stupid about your decision....and feel like you've made a mistake. You keep thinking that no one will get it anyways so why bother telling anyone right? Why make things even more ackward than they already are.

It already seems like you're loosing them and that's the last thing you want. Because lately you haven't been able to get that person off your mind....which hasn't happened in awhile.

I think I run scenarios in my head to much....but can you blame me? It's not like I'm going to go on national television and tell 5 million viewers about my life on Oprah. I'm talking one person person who I want to I don't know maybe recconnect with...or I don't know build a sense of trust with.

I don't know....I think I need to get the courage to just talk to this person....atleast just have enough courage to start the conversation instead of always waiting for them to start it....Blah...this sucks.

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