Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Whoaaa College

So I'm officially done with my first two day of classes this semester. My mother would yell at me and hit me upside the head if she knew how much money I've spent in not even two weeks. Most of it is school related and I'll just leave it at that.

Anyways so far classes are going well, just going to have a lot of homework and studying to keep up with this semester...fun fun. So I don't know how regularly I'll be able to update this blog but I'll try when I actually think about it. Right now my mind is a mess of Art History, Spanish, Geography, History...TCOM....English...oh you know the excitement of my classes...ahh.

Ok well off to google translator so I can actually decipher what I'm supposed to be doing for espanol.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Countdown = 0

I'm back at BSU in my dorm room as I type this...yes. It's hot and sticky and no fridge yet but other than that...we're doing good haha. Have to go to an OC meeting here soon but other than that not doing much tonight, depending on how long this meeting lasts.

Well...just glad to be back and will attempt to keep this thing semi-updated I guess haha.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Mark Hoppus Helping my Day...Nope.

Via Twitter:

markhoppus:At dinner w fob, panic, and crush mgmt. Every single person at the table is on their cell phone. Everything is right in the world.

Day 97

I'm not supposed to blog about how I feel, it upsets people.

No outlet anymore, except for maybe my pillow. It may be a little soggy tonight.

I love how the last spoken words I heard today were "Screw You" thanks.

3 more days. And I guess since I have no purpose for blogging anymore, I may as well lay this thing to rest. This is quite possibly my last entry...so goodbye everyone.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Day 96

My 100 or so days of summer are coming to an end. Lately I've been watching a lot of Joan of Arcadia. I was shocked that Adam cheated on Joan...I was like wtf you ass hole. Haha Too into my shows I guess. Only a couple of episodes left though and I'll have seen them all (short lived show only 2 seasons)

Tommorrow Adam and I venture to the zoo, it should be fun. Haven't been since well last summer about this time. Then Wednesday is a rest day and Thursday I'm getting a haircut and then sometime that day Adam and I are going to B-dubs one last time. haha I know I've said that before but this will definately be the last time eating there in the Fort. Then Friday last minute packing before heading to Muncie or dare I say home on Saturday. Seriously ready even though I got an email today saying that the Atrium will be the only dining location open until lunchtime on the 19th...boo. Oh well haha. Atleast it's better than being here until then. The 19th we will eat dinner at Woodworth to celebrate being back together..or maybe anyways haha nothing is set in stone.

Alright well I think I may either go for a bike ride or watch my last two episodes of Joan of Arcadia.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Day 94

You know, I think I"m getting better at this gift thing I really do. I know this one will be liked a lot. I'm pretty proud of myself haha. Went a little bit over budget but would've spent more if I wouldn't have bought it online, especially new. But that's all I'm saying about it. Plus it's all in the hands of the US Postal Service now.

Anyways Adam is actually on his way over right now so we can go bike riding and hangout and such. So that'll be fun. Hopefully it doesn't rain. Looks like it could but the radar shows it all north of us so we'll see.

Umm...might start packing tommorrow...again we'll see how motivated I am.

Ok well I'm going to go finish getting ready tis all for me now kidz.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Day 92

Tommorrow is my last day of work at the Library. Yes. I'm ready for my well deserved 7 days off before returning back to school. It almost feels like I've been in school the past few months, just without the homework haha. Everyone I'm remotely friends with at work is leaving as well and we're all heading our seperate ways. But if we all come back next summer it'll almost be like school all over again haha.

Anyways got a free cucumber today at work, I got on the bus and showed my mom and she just laughed and pulled a cucumber out of her bag as well that she got free at work lol.

I'm ready. I'm ready for the things Adam and I have planned this next week and to start packing. And to get my hair cut and everything. I'm ready. Yep, excited.

Well now back to watching Joan of Arcadia haha.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Day 90

I saw KJ tonight at work, haven't seen her inforever, haha fun times junior yeat at lunch with Bob, Ian and company playing BS and then you know not being able to sit in our usual spot due to the drive-by threat this year. Ah oh well just cool seeing her again.

Anyways work was boring...if death was really caused by boredom, I'd be dead. Luckily only 3 more days. And I get off at 6 everyday Thank God.

I'm beginning to hate WOW. It discourages conversation, and...yeah. Lameness. Especially after having a super lame day already. The only highlight of my day so far has been reading my book because it's really good lol. So yeah...if that's the highlight that just proves how lame my day has been.

So I don't know, I guess I'll see how long I'm kept waiting, it' been well over 10 mins already. Almost 20 actually. Argh...I can't stay up late tonight either since I have to get up early for work. This is most definately not helping my day any.

Monday, August 03, 2009

Day 89

1 Day down, 4 to go this week work wise. Yes. Work is getting extremely boring again as we are stuck doing task slips the majority of the time and only being scheduled on desk for 2 hours as it is in my case tommorrow.

I'm trying to be good by cutting my portions and sweets haha but tonight I was at Walmart and saw this lemon cupcake with lemon frosting on sale and mannn I couldn't resist so the momz bought it for me. But other than that and the marshmallows we're toasting I'm going to behave myself. I realize that my eating over the past few days has been a bit out of control. And I don't want to face consequences of that, actually already have eating like that makes my stomach hurt/causes heartburn sometimes, so better to cut back anyways.

You know, the only thing I missed this summer was a good BLT. We usually eat em' a few times a week in the summer and I haven't had one this summer. Well partially because we no longer have a toaster, and a blt has got to be toasted. Man I need to track down somebody with a toaster at school and then all I'd need is some bacon and a tomatoe, ehh lettuce is always optional lol and may you can get in those little packets haha. Anybody else up for a Bacon Tomato Sandwhich? Geeze now I wish we were having those instead of Pork Chops haha, and those damn Asain Vegetables we always seem to eat now, why not mix it up with some corn or peas or carrots or something else! Gah! Or some Baked Beans, I think we've eaten those once this summer. Man...next summer I'm making a list of must have summer foods/meals. Like in the winter when I'm rarely home I want chili and stew haha.

Actually I need to stop talking about food because it's just making me hungrier and hungry for things that we're not having...yeah even Tuna Noodle Casserole sounds amazing at the moment, not that the way we make it is bad...it's yummers. Alright well off to see how this food is coming along.