Sunday, April 06, 2008

One Dream I'd Rather Not Have Come True.

I had a really weird dream last night that is just bugging me for some reason. First off it was the last day of Spring Break at like midnight and there was this huge storm warning. You know the kind of storm with the possibility of producing tornados? Anyways the storm passed and as we're going to school the next morning we drive past Georgetown and there are just swarms of cop cars heading there and already there. I notice that all the windows have been broken out of every store...and not from the storm. There were people stealing things and the cops were pulling them all out of the buildings. Then I notice that at the Shell station on the corner the gas is $6.21 a gallon. Why $6.21? I don't know...All I know is that I looked across the street and the Marathon station still had theirs at 3 something and there were cars lined up down the road to get it. We continue on to school and I get there and for some reason go to Senor's room to sit for awhile before searching for any of my friends. When I do find them I tell them about what I saw adn they don't believe me. After that I just remember going home and knowing I couldn't stay there...I grabbed my brother and our bikes and we left with all the money we had and the all the food we could bring with us. I was scared that someone would try to rob us or steal our bikes as we made our way to a friend's house. We got there and decided to go to my Grandpa's because he had plenty of room to stay and it wasn't that much further away. We got there and found my Grandpa we just took all the food we could and left. After that I woke up to a sharp pain my chest. It was a distrubing dream knowning that in the back of my mind that it is something that could happen some never know.

I've already decided that if I get hired at either Walmart or Mejier that during the summer I'm going to try to get the earliest possible shift so I can be dropped off and then walk home....heh good exercise and save on gas. Plus it isn't too terribly far. Of if I get hired at Ritters or TCBY, I can definately walk or ride my bike both ways. Speaking of cash though, I just signed up to participate in a college decisions study group or something.....50 bucks for about and hour and a half of work. That works for me. I can get my ipod shuffle then haha. Shoot if I could just make a living by taking surveys online I'd do that in a heart beat.

Overall, I'm going to say I had a good Spring Break. Lets hope the rest of the year goes this well. Now I can't wait to see some people at lunch table! My math buddies! My Spanish friends lol. I hate to say this but I am going to miss some aspects of high school....especially all my friends who are Juniors :(.

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