Saturday, April 19, 2008

I Live.

Wow, I haven't blogged in well almost a week now. I guess I've just been sorta busy and enjoying the amazing weather. Went on a ten mile bike ride yesterday, felt amazing and got sunburnt but oh well. We've also been playing soccer outside in PE....definately fun. Plus 4th period has just been well amazing this past week since we've had basically 3 free days. By the way, I suck at KEMPS haha.

This week we have Senior Recongnition night yeahhh I get to wear my cap and gown for the first time! Plus a little over a month for school left! I'm going down to BSU June 9th and 10th for Orentation, wow that doesn't even seem that far away at all. So yeah over all things have been good and prom plans are coming together because that's...two weeks from today!?! gah!

Too bad the weather isn't better today it's been kind of gloomy and rainy blah. But tommorrow if the weather is not raining anyways we're thinking of riding downtown to go to the library for some DVDS ha. Geeze this entry is boring so I'm just going to stop now.

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