Saturday, April 12, 2008

The Economy Has Robbed Me Of my Dreams.

I was sitting here posting on the-n listening to music and just thinking. There was a post about what you like better; watching the sun rise or the sun set. Some how that triggered the Something Corporate song, "I Woke Up In A Car" . Then I began thing about how much I would love just to live out that song. But then it hit're probably never going to be able to drive cross country like that...just enjoying the United States and all it has to offer.

Why not? Gas. It's just no probable unless I somehow strike oil or win a million dollars, or by some stroke of luck get a nice salary someday. New goal in life, if I win a lot of money we're all going on a big road trip and we're not rushing it. We're going to take our sweet time living out our dreams. I want to do this before I'm 40. I have to. Just me...maybe a few close friends, the open road, good music, and a camera to document it along the way. I want to wake up early and watch the sunrise with people I care about, people I have fun with. I want to watch the sunset on a beach somewhere.

I want so much more out of life...than what I'm getting right now. The problem is...some of what I want involves other people...and we're all too lets say shy to make the first move or to even ask to hangout with each other. Plus my golden window of opportunity fell through today. Frankly, the future scares me and part of me believes it'll be a living hell and be nothing but stressful situations. But for now...I'm not going to think about that, I'm going to listen to my Something Corporate album...Leaving Through The Window, it takes me back to when I was worry free for the most part. When life was so much simpler. When I was actually out on that open road... on the East Coast/Southeast. I used to listen to this album every night before falling's a major comfort album for me, and so amazing to listen to in the darkness of your room, or from the backseat of a car staring up at the stars as you drive along a desolate country road. Nothing else matters, it's just you, the world, and Something Corporate singing you to sleep.

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