Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Uncles at School.

So far in my educational career(I'm counting k-12 here) I've had an Uncle show up at my school. Oh yeah, and not just to pick me up but there doing public things and somehow I always get dragged into them. Oh and cop presence wasn't at bad...mainly more at lunch.

Elementry School, Uncle Wayne, was our Dare officier yep. haha. Plus my Uncle Jimmy did chapel when I was in 8th grade I think, and I spend basically the whole time standing up infront of the whole school while my Uncle told about how I spent the summer with him being a missionary.

High School...freshmen year. Uncle Jimmy again, chapel...he asks for volunteers and as soon as he said that Josh grabs my arm and sticks it up in the air haha, so I get to go onstage infront of the whole school yet again and hold a candle. Then there's today at lunch, I look up and see my Uncle Wayne with officier I mentioned it to the people I was sitting with and they flag them down. Marcus calls him Uncle Wayne....and we're adopted cousins? haha. I guess. Chances are my Uncles won't likely be showing up at BSU next year. Hopefully. Well maybe Uncle John and Aunt Suzi to pick me up for White Castle eating....if gas isn't outrageous. Ha. That means....don't get your hopes up kid.

Speaking of BSU, got orentation information today. God those dates are so close, time is seriously flying by. I thought Spring would drag on but we're getting caps and gowns next Wednesday and Proms only a few weeks away. Summer is probably going to fly to especially if I have a job to keep me busy. So far I've only heard from Scotts and I had to decline because they wanted me to work at a location that's pretty far away from car to get there = no job yet kidz. I still have hope though. Something will work out. Oh and people think I'm crazy for wanting to ride my bike up to Georgetown...seriously takes 15-20 minutes tops. Get over yourselves...I'm not lazy and I have 2 legs. Heh. Definately going to be getting the shuffle if I have to start making that trip though. Alright well I have some shiz to do before Top Chef.

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