Tuesday, April 08, 2008


Day 2 of increased security at school. Sucks. This time even more cops showed up. Supposedly, don't quote me on this, Southside and Harding were both closed today because of too much threat? heh. This is nuts. Today the cops decided to direct traffic after school coming in and leaving the school and surrounding area. So they closed off one of the lanes in the parking lot leaving only one lane to get out. Major Headache. We sat there probably 15-20 minutes just waiting to get out of a parking space. Finally we did and had to cut across the whole parking lot just to get out where we sat in another big line of traffic trying to get to State bvld. But we just said screw it and went down Lake. This whole thing is just a mess. Stop shooting people geeze! Supposedly from what I've heard on the news, the cops are supposed to be here all week atleast...or "as long as needed" Great. Good for them I guess, they get more hours...which means more cash for them. Bad because us taxpayers have to pay for that heh. I guess we probably won't get shot this week ha. Any semi-smart person would wait until this blows over and then go start up the shootings again.

Ah it's just been a very frustrating day. This week just needs to end already, I have too much homework and I'm a senior and don't want to do it. Gah.

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