Friday, October 26, 2007

Fever Dreams, They Always Haunt You....

So I feel like crap and basically have all day. Woke up with some bad coughing/chest pain/rib pain gah. So sucks. Got a fever around 4th period. My God that classroom was extremely hot. Luckily I didn't have to do much thinking in that class, we drew pictures and took a really easy quiz.

After school we loaded up the car with Me, Erin, Michelle and Zak (who just happened to be wearing a kilt today...haha) and headed over to Concordia to pick up Haley. So of course I kept a lookout for people I knew...and I saw Josherz (I think it looks cooler with a "Z" but chances are I'll forget to do that ha) Didn't talk long, walked him to his car and part way back to the building. He had stuff to do. On the ride home, I was really feeling crappy. Listened to Michelle's Ipod. There were only a select few good songs on it to listen to. Eh.

Got home felt like I was going to pass out, fever was beginning to make me feel delirious. That's when I know my fever is getting bad when the delerium sets in. But I took some asprin. And that helped for now, I can feel it coming back and it's starting to hurt more again to breathe and such.

All I have left to say is that my AIM is freakin' broke and I don't feel up to messing around with my computer to fix it. Especially after the whole 2 day Java Fiasco. I got Chinese food tonight!!! YES! Oh and I got 2 discs of Season 3 of ER to watch this weekend from the Library. Man if anybody has discs 1-3 for Season 3 lemme borrow them?!? The Library's were stolen or something so they only have discs 4-6. :(. Alright kidz, I'm going to go lye down....and watch Las Vegas. ER watching will start tommorrow so I can just lounge around and rest up, hopefully I won't feel this shitty on Monday. If I do...I'm not going to school. Especially if I stil have this fever.

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