Thursday, October 11, 2007

Us Midwest Kids...

So why is that I turn on the 5 o' clock news and the first 4 stories are all related to bomb threats and school shootings?

So apparently there was a bomb threat today at New Haven High School which is like 10 minutes from my house. The school went on lock down and stuff. Then the next story is about this kid who's threatening to bring guns to Elmhurst (on the otherside of town but still...) The school knows about it....and apparently talked to the kid but besides that has done nothing and plans to do nothing. Makes you feel really good about what your school system does for ya. Whoo FWCS ha. Anyways the 3rd story was about the Clevland school shooting and the last one was about this homeschooled kid who was planning to pull a Columbine at a nearby high school in Pennsylvannia(sp?).

Are we all that angry that we feel the need to go shoot up schools and make threats? Are we all stupid enough to streak in flesh colored thongs/penis costumes at a football game as Sophmores and get arrested/expelled?

Plus...we had a lockdown drill today. Big Whoop. It's gotten to the point that they're so routine that the teachers don't even take them seriously. We sat there and did math problems through the whole drill. Whatever....Only what 4-5ish more years of school...and only like 3/4's of a school year left in High School. I have noticed that the violence has gotten worse since I've been in school, more fights and such. But there's not really much I personally can do about you just kind of cope and accept that stuff as a part of every day life.

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