Monday, October 22, 2007

Smile, Like You've Got Nothing to Prove.

Do you ever listen to a song and have this amazing story that goes along with the lyrics and music play out in your head? Don't you just wish that you had the resources and time to make that story into a music video? I do that all the time. It's almost like it'd be a more powerful tool in telling people how that song makes you feel and what that song reminds you of. Or maybe that's just the inner techie in me talking in wanting to express myself through making music videos for certain songs. Not that I want to do that as a career but I think it'd be cool to film/direct a music video.

You know what? I'm going to do that someday. I'll put that on the list of things to do sooner rather than later. I was just watching Oprah and they had these terminal cancer patients on who were two of the most positive and optimisitic people I've ever seen. I was amazed. It really made me think that I should just stop waiting around for my dreams to happen and just go out and do what I want to do. It's like they say, the biggest regrets in life aren't the things you do, it's the things you don't do. I know I'm definately regretting only one thing that I haven't done in my life. But there's still time to make that happen, I'm young, anything is possible.

Those amazing people also reminded me of a conversation that I had with a friend on Saturday. They were asking me how I was doing that day. I told them that well I was on the good part of the roller coaster ride known as life. We both agreed that we have far more bad days than good days. Why should it be like that? We're both young. We're 17 years old. Well me and that friend anyways, I know that many of you are either younger or older than me. Anyways, shouldn't we all be out having more fun and enjoying life? Doing things that make ourselves happy? Yes I know that many of you work. But life is short and we're going to spend the majority of our lives working, why let work rule our lives? Let's go outside, and run around like little kids. Scream at the top of our lungs. Sing our hearts out when we hear our favorite songs. Don't dwell on the things bringing us down. We all need to learn to move on and let go of those things that do drag us down.

I'm working on it. Sometimes it's harder to do than other times, but I think I'm getting better at it. I've learnt to accept things they way they are, and people for who they are. As long as someone is happy with themselves and where they're at in life, who am I to say that they're doing something wrong? People are people, if you want to talk with me....hit me up. I'm game. Want to go play some box ball and relive elementry school recess? Sure...lets do it. You don't have to have money or go somewhere special to have fun and create memories. Things are just material. They won't always be there. They won't make you happy. People are the ones who care. People can make you happy. People make memories.

I don't know about you guys, but I told my mom today that I'm not ready to die yet, I still have so much living and learning left to do. So let's just all Learn to Live....

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