Tuesday, November 06, 2007


So last week was let's just say BLAH. I really don't want to get into details but I'm semi-healthy now. So that's good right? Bronchitis sucks....I had it last time around this year too. I hope I don't get again next year because it's a nasty little bugger. Plus I have some lovely sprained ribs as souviners....whoo.

But the good news, almost all of my work is made up, after being out of school for 4 days. Heh. I got to watch the Price Is Right like every day. And now it's freeezing in my room. Damn Indiana and our crappy cold weather. I HATE IT! I serioulsy need to move some place warmer or atleast more exciting if it's going to be cold like this.

I've broken out the Christmas tunes...shh. I actually did like a week ago. Shhh... haha. Please I bet Santa came to the mall the day after Halloween. Psh. Speaking of Holidays, we get Monday off whoo! And...next week at school we're making Thanksgiving dinner! YES! Annddd the week after is the real deal! SO YES! I'm excited about all of that good eating.

K well I should go finish this stupid outline...and learn some vocab words. Tis' all for now kidz.

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