Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Tom DeLonge why did you have to write a song that makes me want to cry? This song makes me angry/sad/jealous....god so many things. "Breathe" by Angels & Airwaves check it out.

Ok...so here's my on going dilema. I like this guy well actually I like two guys. But I like one way more than the other one. Mostly because I know the other guy better and have known him longer. Anyways...here's the problem, I know the guy I like more is interested in another girl and that is just freakin' killing me....and makes me mucho jealous. Gah. But I think the other guy may like me and this other girl who I happen to be kinda friends with. Plus I think he'd probably pick over her because I made fun of him for liking the Fray...lmao. I guess I should give up on the first boy but I can't...I've been trying to for the longest freakin' time and I just can't. But on the other side of things...I guess I shouldn't loose all hope on the 2nd one.....I can't see being in a lasting relationship with him but...it could be fun.

Gotta go do English and Pre-Calc. Later kids.

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