Sunday, September 09, 2007

So many choices and possibilities.

So it's Senior year and I'm still toying around with what I want to do with my life after high school. My idea of college has always been moving away from home and living in a dorm. Now I'm not sure I want that. I'm not really sure what I want to do either.

My first thought was video production/editing Ball State or Valpo. But I don't know the more I get into it with people the less I want to pursue that. It doesn't make me happy, it stresses me out. One person yells at me to do one thing and another totally contradicts the other person. I trust the person who actually works in Broadcasting though as opposed to the guy who is soccer coach/mail man or whatever he is now haha. So I'm thinking about changing my goals. To something more fufilling.

I've been thinking about Culinary school as one of my other options. I could go locally, at Ivy Tech. They have an excellent program. And if I do that and want to get even more advanced training I could go to Chicago or somewhere. Cooking is fun for me. It's something I've begun to enjoy a lot. I like putting together meals and experimenting. I like the whole presentation with the colors and everything. We'll see, it may be a fallback option. If nothing else it's definately a course I would like to take later in life after I've already gotten an established career and have the time to.

Lately I've been thinking becoming a nurse wouldn't be so bad. There's a huge need in the medical field. And I know that's a job that I could count on a nice salary to payback my student loans which I know I'll have to take out. Plus the whole wearing scrubs thing instead of having to wear like a suit to work would be awesome. But then I wish I would've taken like anatomy in high school. But I suppose I can take those courses in college at a higher level. Plus I like helping people. I'm thinking maybe and ER nurse, something that would keep me on my toes. I realize I'd have 12+ shifts but I think I could deal with that.

This one totally suprises me but I've also been thinking about teaching. Maybe English or Family Consumer Sciences, or even computer stuff. I don't know, the only disadvantage I see to this job is going 3 months without pay, low salary especially starting out so paying student loans wouldn't be very easy. But I don't know....we'll see.

I guess my last thing I've been considering is marketing, I like trying to sell things and coming up with advertising solgans and such for products. I find it fun, but we all know that business world can be kind of cut throat and "man's world" heh. Plus I'd have to dress up for work haha. I'm all about casualness.

I don't know, I guess I'll have to decide so I can start applying to schools...really soon. Plus pick up scholarship information. Gah. Growing up sucks. But hey atleast all of my career options are pretty practical. It's not like I'm sayihng I want to start my own software company and be the next Bill Gates or something and I'm not saying I want to travel the country in a tour bus and party every night.

Ah well I got to get some lunch because I have to leave soon to go run cameras and lights again.

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