Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Gotta Keep It Simple Now.

So I don't feel well, haven't really since Monday night. Part of my feeling bad at the moment I know can be attributed to anxiety/stress. But the other part I think may be allergies or something because it's hurting to breathe again like it did around this time last year. I only remember because I was sick last year and missed out on going to the Auburn fair...which I probably won't get to go to this year for many other reasons. Unless somebody wants to go...and take me with them? haha.

I feel very Sherri Durpee errr Gilbert right now...mostly because of the way I'm wearing my hair. It's just very Sherri. Not that that's a bad thing. I like her hair. Well her hair color is better than mine but the style I have going on right now is similar to what she does to her hair sometimes.

Anyways homecoming is next week. Monday is colors day...Seniors are RED! Whoo I need to find my other red soccer sock...I have two pairs and yet I can only find one red sock!?! psh. Tuesday is costume day...and I have no idea as to what I should any suggestions are welcome. Wednesday is Hat/Jersey Day....blah probably just wear my Galaxy jersey, and maybe a hat...I've already worn all my good ones to school already. Thursday is PJ day. I usually just shower the night before....put on pj's that night and roll out of bed in the morning haha. Friday is Black n' Gold day of course.

So...yeah I think I'm going to go watch TV and lye tis all for me kids.

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