Sunday, September 16, 2007

*Insert Cryptic Song Lyric Title Here*

So, I made more money than intended this week...but that's more than ok with me. The worst part of my weekend is going to be writing a rough draft essay for English. Blah. How many different essays can you write comparing Beowulf's heroic qualities to someone elses'? Gah. So repitive.

Oh well my reward for turning my essay in on Tuesday will be going to Best Buy to pick up FTSTYSII. It's only going to cost me like 3 bucks's on sale for 10 to start with and I have like 7 bucks in giftcards. Oh and speaking of NFG, Chad was chatting on APNet Friday and he mentioned there being a new full length NFG album by the Summer of 08', a B-Sides Album, and that Geffen is going to release a Greatest Hits album that they're not too crazy about happening. So yeah, I'm pretty pumped.

I should probably go write that stupid essay so I can just chill tonight and not have to worry about homework. Oh man...Istep is this week too. Gah that means we're doing like NOTHING this week. Why they just don't let the upperclassmen who have passed it stay home and just come in half days is beyond me. Concordia and several other schools do it that way. Ah oh well.

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