Saturday, June 02, 2007

But for Luck I Still Cross My Fingers

So it's been an interesting week to say the least. Sunday I had this rubberband that I had wrapped around a deck of cards, and I just happened to put in on my wrist and wear it to school on Monday. Well, at school everything goes great, I only miss 2 on my Math quiz, I get a 95 on my Chem test, and a 98 on my term paper, and at this point the parents were still staying no to C-Point...but I got home that day and was like...well....and they said well...Ok...but we want to talk to Erin's mom just be sure that her parents know she's going I'm like YES! Lucky Rubber band! My luck continues throughout the week with very few things not going well, until Friday...

Friday, we went to homeroom after 3rd period to get our schedule cards. I have the Crowley curse. I have Crowley AGAIN for the 3rd SEMESTER IN A ROW! Gah...for Government/Econ. So that's not too great and then I didn't get Entrepenership...or however it's spelled and am stuck with Lifetime Sports with Ms. Johnson...she's nice and everything it's just that I hope we don't have to go swimming....since she is a swim coach and everything...if we have to swim, I'm dropping that class. So after homeroom, I go over to Chase and show him....and he starts I take off the "Lucky Rubber Band" and it snaps haha. But I guess if that's the worst that's happened to me this week, than it hasn't been that unlucky.

Anyways here's my schedule for next year:
1st Term
1.Gov/Econ: Crowley
2.Adv Foods: Oberley
3.English 12: Crist
4. Pre-Calc: Hermance

2nd Term
1.Sports/Entertainment Marketing: Danley
2.Spanish III: Miller
3. Lifetime Sports: Johnson
4. Pre-Calc: Hermance

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